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Girl Names Ending with -is
Is ending baby names and what they mean, with 139 results. Adoption of these girl names reached its apex during 1930-1939 (USAGE OF 2.83%) and has become significantly lower since (USAGE 0.66%, 76.6% LESS), with names like Doris falling out of fashion. The trendier birth names among these are Iris (#138), Ellis (#783), Anais (#848), Amaris (#857) and Jenesis (#966), while Celis (TOP 6%) and Mullis (2%) are common -is surnames. Here is the list of -is names for boys.
Adamaris - Aracelis
From Latin language. "To love." Adamarie is also a slightly favored birth name.
Adelis, Adelais
Var. of Adelaide. Derivative of Old German language. "Noble kind." Rare, but Adelais, Adelis are similar to popular surnames Alois (UPPER 70%), Angelakis (79%), which also end with -is.
Annis1, Annais, Anis1, Anais1▲, Aigneis, Agneis
Forms of Agnes. From Greek element. "Pure, holy." Annis is a common (UPPER 60%) women's name, while Agneis, Aigneis, Anais, Anis and Annais are uncommon.
Form of Ailsa. Source fr. Old Norse language. "Island of Alfsigr." Compare last names Ailes (TOP 20%), Aills (44%). See also Alise.
Form of Alana. Root fr. Old German, Hawaiian. "Precious; awakening." Adoption of Alanis was at a high in 2013, but now, Alanis has become less stylish. See also Ilanis.
Form of Allena. Origin fr. Old German language. "Precious." Less popular today. Alanis was last recorded in 2017 in the Top 2000. See also Alanza.
Stems fr. Greek. In Euripides' play of the same .. Not Top 2000 name.
Based on Old English element. "Battle-seasoned." Aldas and Aldil are creative forms.
Var. of Alix. Derivative of Old German element. "Noble." Alexis was a Top birth name in 2018. Unisex name.
Alexis2▼, var. Lexis▼
Based on Greek element. "Defender." Alexis and Lexis have waned in favor as baby names since 1998.
Form of Alexandra. From Greek word. "Man's defender." Alexis is familiar as a children's name compared to other variations. Cross-gender use.
Allis1, Alis, Alais, Allis2
Forms of Alice. Origin fr. Old German word. "Noble, exalted." Outside Top 2000.
From Hebrew. "Promised by God." Adoption of Amaris as a girls' name in 2018 was 1.1% more than the year before.
Amaryllis, var. Amarilis
Based on Greek element. "Fresh, sparkling." Amaryllis and Amarilis are not Top 2000 names.
Origin fr. French, Hebrew words. Anaïs is a variant of .. Unconventional. Anais is not listed in the US Census. See also Annys.
Annis2, Anis2
Var. of Anice. From Greek. "Satisfaction." Somewhat popular as children's names, Anis and Annis are similar to the conventional Annie.
Form of Anise. .. Other names derived from spices are .. Adoption of Anis was well-received among parents during 1880-1889. See also Anka.
Form of Anne. Stems fr. Hebrew. "He (God) has favored me." Less used today. Annis was last recorded in 1940-1949 in the Top 2000. See also Annisa.
From Greek language. "Satisfaction." Less used today. Annis was last listed in 1940-1949 in the Top 2000. See also Anis.
Var. of Araceli. Stems fr. Latin. "Altar of heaven; heavenly homemaker." Aracelis was not among 2018's Top names.
Quick Reference
Summary Index of names [and variants] for -is names for girls.
1. Adamaris - AracelisAdamaris▼, Adelaide [Adelis, ..], Agnes [Annis, ..], Ailsa [Ailis], Alana [Alanis▼], Allena [Alanis▼], Alcestis, Aldis, Alix [Alexis▼], Alexis▼ [Lexis▼], Alexandra [Alexis▼], Alice [Allis, ..], Amaris▲, Amaryllis [Amarilis], Anais▲, Anice [Annis, ..], Anise [Anis], Anne [Annis], Annis, Araceli [Aracelis]
Ardelle [Ardis▼, ..], Arden [Ardis▼], Ardis▼, Ardith [Ardis▼], Artemis, Arthuretta [Artis], Athena [Athenais], Audrey [Audris], Audris, Ava [Avis▼], Avis▼, Beatrice [Beitris, ..], Berenice [Berenis], Brandy [Branndais, ..], Brisa [Briseis], Candace [Candis▼], Candice [Kendis, ..], Carol [Carilis], Carissa [Caris], Carys [Caris]
Carla [Carlis], Charity [Charis], Charis [Karis], Cha- [Charis], Chloris [Kloris, ..], Christian [Chris▼], Christina [Kris▼, ..], Christine [Chris▼], Chryseis, Cicely [Sis, ..], Clarice [Claris], Clarissa [Claris], Clematis, Cloris [Chloris], Collis, Cordis, Cypris, Dallas [Dallis], Damaris [Maris, ..], Dangelis [Diangelis, ..]
Daralis [Darelis], Delicia [Dellis, ..], Delores [Deloris▼], Dolores [Deloris▼], Demetria [Demetris], Dionne [Dionis], Doris▼ [Dorris▼], Dilys [Dyllis, ..], Edris, Edwige [Edvigis, ..], Eilish [Elis, ..], Elizabeth [Lis, ..], Eldora [Eldoris], Ellis▲ [Elis], Eloise [Elois], Elvis, Ennis [Innis], Eris, Felicia [Felis], Filis
Flora [Floris], Florence [Floris], Gertrude [Gertrudis, ..], Genesis▲ [Jennasis, ..], Gladys [Gladis, ..], Glenys [Glennis, ..], Glynis [Glynnis, ..], Griselda [Griseldis], Hollis, Idris [Eedris, ..], Ila [Ilanis], Iris▲, Isis▼, Janae [Janais], Jancis, Jane [Janis▼], Janice [Jannis, ..], Jenny [Jennis], Kandace [Kandis], Karis
Krista [Kris▼, ..], Lenis, Elisabeth [Lis], Louise [Lois▼], Lois▼, Heloise [Lois▼], Lori [Loris], Lyris, Marilla [Marilis], Maris [Meris, ..], Marlise [Marlis], Mavis, Mab [Mavis], Marissa [Meris], Myrtle [Myrtis▼, ..], Nerys [Neris], Nissa [Nis], Nokomis, Paris [Parris], Perri [Perris]
Persis [Perssis], Phyllis▼ [Phylis, ..], Priscilla [Pris], Semiramis, Tani [Tanis], Thais [Tais], Themis [Temis], Thora [Thordis], Tigris, Tricia [Tris], Varda [Vardis], Veda [Vedis], Vera [Veradis], Verna [Vernis], Vigdis, Viridiana [Viridis, ..], Wallis, Walburga [Walpurgis], Wanda [Wandis]