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Girl Names Ending with -isa
Isa ending baby names and what they mean, with 95 results. -isa names are used more often as feminine names. Adoption of these girl names reached its most widespread during 1960-1969 (USAGE OF 2.89%) and is now significantly reduced (USAGE 0.12%, DOWN 95.8%), with names such as Lisa becoming less stylish. Elisa (#457) and Luisa (#1112) are two of the more trendy birth names here, while Krisa (TOP 88%) and Zisa (32%) are common -isa surnames.
Adalgisa - Cerisa
Stems fr. Old German. "Noble, precious promise." Unusual. Adalgisa, like Alisa, Adelisa, uses the common -sa ending.
From French language. A blend of Adela and Lisa. Adelise is a moderately popular girl's name. See also Adelais.
Alisa1▼, Alaisa, Adelisa2
Var. of Alice. Origin fr. Old German. "Noble, exalted." Common as surnames, and Adelisa, Alaisa, Alisa (84%) are comparable to popular surnames Aleksa (TOP 60%), Apisa (87%), which also end with -sa.
Form of Alicia. Derived fr. Old German word. "Noble, exalted." Alisa is common (UPPER 14%) as a given name, and occurs regularly (UPPER 84%) as a surname. See also Alexa.
Alisa3▼, var. Allisa
Root fr. Hebrew. "Great happiness." Alisa has faded in popularity as a children's name since 1960-1969.
Luisa▲, Lovisa, Louisa▼, Lluisa, Heloisa, Eloisa, Aloisa
Var. of Louise. Based on Old German. "Famous warrior." Louisa and Luisa were Top birth names in 2018.
Source fr. Hebrew word. "Companion, friend." Compare last names Amira (TOP 79%), Amiss (54%). See also Annisa.
Based on Arabic, Persian, Iranian. "Pleasant companion; like love." Usage of Anisa as a children's name in 2018 was down 100% compared to a year ago. See also Aniya.
Var. of Anne. Source fr. Hebrew language. "He (God) has favored me." Slightly atypical as a children's name now, but Annalisa still exists often as a first name for women. See also Annelise.
Annalisa2, var. Annelisa, Annaleisa, Anelisa, Analisa, Analeisa
Derived fr. Latin element. "Graced with God's bounty." Usage of Annalisa, Annelisa, etc. as birth names in 2018 was down 100% compared to a year ago.
Form of Agnes. From Greek word. "Pure, holy." Ainisa and Ansah are creative variations. See also Amisa.
Form of Annis. From Greek. "Satisfaction." Unique, with the common -sa suffix for Annisa, like Annaleisa, Ailsa. See also Annus.
Ayisa, Ayeisa
Forms of Aisha. Root fr. Arabic word. "Alive and well." Ayeisa and Ayisa are unique as children's names.
Beeatrisa, Beatrisa
Var. of Beatrice. From Latin element. "Voyager (through life); blessed." Not Top 2000 names.
Form of Berenice. Stems fr. Greek. "Victory bringer." Not in Top 2000. See also Bernisha.
Source fr. Latin. Short form of the Spanish name .. A conventional girls' name. See also Trisa.
Karisa1, Carrisa, Carisa1
Forms of Carissa. Based on Latin, Greek words. "Beloved; grace." Somewhat popular as children's names, Carisa, Carrisa, etc. are similar to the popular Clarisa.
Sherisa, Karrisa, Karisa2, Charisa, Carisa2
Forms of Charis. Based on Greek. "Grace." Less used today. Karisa was the version last appearing (1996) in the Top 2000.
Form of Carla. Based on Old German word. "Free man." Carlisa is unusual as a girls' name. See also Carilis.
Form of Cerise. Derived fr. English, French languages. "Cherry." Outside Top 2000. See also Cris.
Quick Reference
Summary Index of names [and variants] for -isa names for girls.
1. Adalgisa - CerisaAdalgisa, Adelisa, Alice [Alisa▼, Alaisa, ..], Alicia [Alisa▼], Alisa▼ [Allisa], Louise [Luisa▲, Lovisa, ..], Amisa, Anisa▼, Anne [Annalisa], Annalisa [Annelisa, Annaleisa, ..], Agnes [Annisa], Annis [Annisa], Aisha [Ayisa, Ayeisa], Beatrice [Beatrisa, Beeatrisa], Berenice [Berenisa], Brisa▼, Carissa [Karisa, Carrisa, ..], Charis [Sherisa, Karrisa, ..], Carla [Carlisa], Cerise [Cerisa]
Charlene [Charlisa], Charmaine [Charmisa], Chelsea [Chelisa], Cherise [Sherisa, Cherisa], Claire [Clarisa▼], Clarice [Clarisa▼], Clarissa [Klarisa, Klarrisa, ..], Cora [Corisa], De- [Delisa], Delicia [Delisa], Denise [Denisa], Doris [Dorisa], Dora [Dorlisa], Dorothy [Dorlisa], Elizabeth [Lisa▼, Leisa▼, ..], Elisabeth [Lisa▼, Elisa▲], Eliza [Elisa▲], Elise [Elisa▲], Eloise [Eloisa, Elouisa], Heloise [Eloisa, Heloisa]
Felicia [Felisa], Genesis [Genisa], Giselle [Gisa], Helsa [Helisa], Idelle [Idelisa], Ilse [Ilisa], Iris [Irisa], Isabel [Isa], Isaura [Isa], Jaleesa [Joleisa, Jilleisa, ..], Ja- [Jalisa▼], Je- [Jelisa], Jewel [Jewelisa], Jo [Jonisa, Jolisa], Julissa [Julisa▼], Ka- [Kalisa, Katrisa], Karissa [Karisa], Larissa [Larisa], Melissa [Melisa▼, Mellisa▼, ..], Lisa▼
Luisa▲ [Lluisa], Macaria [Macarisa], Mesa [Maisa], Mandisa, Maria [Marialisa], Mari [Marilisa], Marissa [Marisa▼], Maris [Marisa▼], Marisa▼ [Morisa, Moreisa, ..], Marquise [Marquisa, Markaisa], Marlisa, Maureen [Maurisa], Mona [Monalisa], Morisa, Narcissa [Narcisa], Oleisa [Olisa], Paradisa, Paris [Parisa], Raisa, Renata [Renisa]
Risa, Sha- [Shalisa], Shalisa [Shelisa], Sharise [Sharisa], Sharlene [Sharlisa], Sherisa, She- [Sherisa], Alexandra [Sinisa], Thais [Taisa, Thaisa], Ta- [Talisa], Talisa, Te- [Telisa], Tisa, Tricia [Trisa], Vanessa [Vanisa, Vennisa]