Home > -lie Names

Girl Names Ending with -lie

Lie ending baby names and what they mean, with 171 results. -lie names are used more often as feminine names. Adoption of these girl names reached its most widespread 138 years ago (USAGE OF 3.7%) and has become much reduced since (USAGE 1.6%, DOWN 58%), with names such as Willie becoming less in vogue. The trendier girl names in this compilation are Callie (#190), Charlie (#152), Ellie (#37), Jolie (#699) and Rylie (#335), while Smylie (TOP 23%) and Jollie (33%) are popular -lie surnames. Here is the list of -lie names for boys.

-lie names

Adalie - Anelie | Annalie - Callie | Callie - Coralie | Coralie - Fernlie | Gillie - Kaelie | Kallie - Lollie | .. - .. | Tillie - Zoelie

Adalie - Anelie


Form of Adalia. Derivative of Hebrew, Old German words. "God is my refuge; noble one." Adalae is also a slightly prominent girl's name. See also Adelia.

Var. of Adela. From Old German word. "Noble." Popular, and Adalie is comparable to common -ie last names Arabie (TOP 16%), Abadie (12%). See also Amalie.

Root fr. Old German word. "Noble." Adeali and Ayelie are creative forms. See also Adeline.

Emily and variants

Emmilie, Emmelie, Emmalie, Emillie, Emilie, Emelie1, Amelie1, Emalie, Amalie1, Aemilie
Var. of Emily. Derivative of Latin. "Rival; laborious; eager." Adoption of Aemilie and variants as birth names in 2018 was 12.9% less than a decade ago.

Form of Aileen. Based on Norman. Scottish variant of Eileen, which possibly .. Ailie is not often used as a baby name. See also Ailse.

Scottish pet form of Aileen or .. Uncommon as a baby name, but Ailie is comparable to the more familiar Allie. See also Aimie.

Alice and variants

Ellie, Allie1, Allie2, Alie1, Aillie, Ailie3
Var. of Alice. Derivative of Old German language. "Noble, exalted." Ailie, Aillie and Alie are more unique as birth names among the variations of Alice.

Form of Eilidh. Derivative of Scottish, Gaelic, Greek words. "Sun ray." Ailie is unique as a baby name. See also Aliye.

Aynslie, Ainslie
Forms of Ainsley. Stems fr. Old English language. "Only hermitage wood or clearing." Ainslie and Aynslie are rarely used female names, and Ainslie appears frequently (TOP 15%) as a last name.

Form of Alana. Stems fr. Old German, Hawaiian words. "Precious; awakening." Alim (TOP 33%), Alia (28%) are conventional surnames. See also Aliz.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of -lie names: Adalie, Allie, Amalie, Amelie, Ellie

Top 2000 baby names ranking of -lie names: Emelie, Emilie, Millie

Alberta and variants

Allie3, Alie3
Var. of Alberta. Derived fr. Old English. "Noble, bright." Common, with usage of 0.053% for Alie and Allie as birth names in 2018, though lower than 0.058% the previous year.

Allie4, Alie4
Var. of Alexandra. From Greek. "Man's defender." Adoption of Alie and Allie as birth names in 2018 was down 31.1% compared to the previous decade.

Allie5, Alie5
Var. of Alison. Root fr. Old German language. "Noble, exalted." Alie (UPPER 48%) and Allie (10%) appear frequently as last names.

Var. of Alfreda. Source fr. Old German, Old English words. "Elf or magical counsel." Allie is commonplace as a baby name among the versions of Alfreda. Also a boys' name.

Var. of Allegra. Based on Italian element. "Gay and jaunty." A very familiar baby name (#350 IN LATEST RANKINGS), Allie is also found frequently as a last name. Unisex name.

.. Actress Ally Walker. Usage of Allie as a girls' name in 2018 was down 31.1% compared to 10 years ago. Also used for boys.

Form of Alva. From Irish, Gaelic word. "White." Allie became less popular in 2018, dropping -20 positions as a girls' name to reach #350. Gender-neutral name.

Amelia and variants

Millie, Emelie2, Amelie2, Amalie2
Var. of Amelia. Origin fr. Latin, Old German. "Rival, eager work." Amalie and variants became more popular in 2018, gaining on average +5 rankings as girls' names with Millie gaining the most.

Amberlie, Ambarlie
Var. of Amberly. .. Or a variant of Amber with .. Outside Top 2000.

Form of Anne. Stems fr. Hebrew. "He (God) has favored me." Rather quirky as a girls' name. See also Amalie.

Quick Reference

Summary Index of names [and variants] for -lie names for girls.

1. Adalie - Anelie
Adalia [Adalie], Adela [Adalie], Adelie, Emily [Emmilie, ..], Aileen [Ailie], Ailie, Alice [Ellie, ..], Eilidh [Ailie], Ainsley [Aynslie, ..], Alana [Alie], Alberta [Allie, ..], Alexandra [Allie, ..], Alison [Allie, ..], Alfreda [Allie], Allegra [Allie], Allie, Alva [Allie], Amelia [Millie, ..], Amberly [Amberlie, ..], Anne [Anelie]

Annalisa [Annelie, ..], Ansley [Anslie], Aurelia [Oralie, ..], Arlene [Arlie], Ashley [Ashlie], Athalia [Attalie, ..], Bailey [Baylie, ..], Basilia [Basilie], Beverly [Verlie, ..], Billie, Wilhelmina [Willie, ..], Briley [Brilie], Brylee [Brilie], Kalila [Kayllie, ..], Cayla [Kailie, ..], Calandra [Callie], Calista [Kallie, ..], Kallista [Kallie, ..], Calantha [Callie], Callie [Kallie, ..]

Caroline [Karlie, ..], Camilla [Millie, ..], Cara [Caralie], Charlotte [Karlie, ..], Carla [Carlie], Carly [Karlie, ..], Kayla [Kaylie, ..], Cecilia [Seelie, ..], Celia [Celie], Selena [Selie, ..], Celeste [Celie], Charla [Charlie], Charlene [Charlie], Charlie [Sharlie], Chelsea [Chellie, ..], Cher [Cherylie], Chesleigh [Chesslie, ..], Columba [Collie], Colleen [Collie], Coral [Koralie, ..]

Coralie, Cora [Coralie], Cordelia [Delie, ..], Cornelia [Nellie, ..], Corliss [Corlie], Dorothy [Dollie], Dolly [Dollie], Donna [Donalie], Earla [Earlie], Adeline [Edelie], Eleanor [Nellie, ..], Elizabeth [Ellie], Ella [Ellie], Ellen [Nellie, ..], Ellie, Eloise [Ellie], Elaine [Ellie], Helen [Nellie, ..], Eulalia [Lallie, ..], Fernley [Fernlie]

Gillian [Gillie], Gilberte [Gillie], Hayley [Haylie, ..], Harriet [Hallie], Haralda [Hallie], Halimeda [Hallie], Hallie, Halle [Hallie], Harley [Harlie], Haley [Haylie], Hadley [Hedlie], Hilary [Hillie], Holly [Hollie], Janelle [Janellie], Jill [Jillie], Jolie, Julia [Julie], Julie [Jullie, ..], Giulia [Julie], Kaylee [Kaylie, ..]

Kallie [Callie], Kara [Karalie], Carol [Karlie], Karla [Karlie], Karolina [Karlie], Keely [Keyllie, ..], Kelly [Kellie], Kempley [Kemplie], Kimberly [Kymberlie, ..], Kiley [Kylie], Kylie, Laila [Lailie], Lalage [Lallie], Lallie, Lorelei [Loralie, ..], Leala [Lealie], Leslie [Lezlie], Lily [Lillie, ..], Lillian [Lillie], Laura [Lollie]

Magali [Magalie], Melinda [Mallie, ..], Mary [Mollie, ..], Marlee [Marlie], Marlene [Marlie], Millicent [Millie, ..], Melissa [Millie, ..], Melanie [Mellie], Mildred [Millie], Kamilla [Millie], Molly [Mollie], Natalie [Nattilie, ..], Neila [Neelie], Nelia [Neelie], Nelly [Nellie], Nerola [Nerolie], Olivia [Ollie], Ophelia [Ophelie], Oralia [Orelie, ..], Odelia [Ottilie]

Otthild [Ottilie], Ottilie [Ottolie, ..], Paula [Pollie, ..], Pearl [Pearlie], Philippa [Phillie], Phyllis [Phyllie], Polly [Pollie], Rose [Rozalie, ..], Rosalie [Rozelie, ..], Rylee [Rylie], Sally [Sallie], Sarah [Sallie], Rachel [Shellie], Shelley [Shellie], Shirley [Sherrlie, ..], Thalia [Thalie, ..], Talicia [Tallie, ..], Tallulah [Tallie], Tally [Tallie], Matilda [Tillie]

Tilda [Tillie], Valentina [Vallie], Valerie [Vallie], Valley [Vallie], Verlene [Verlie], Wallis [Wallie], Weslee [Weslie], Yolanda [Yolie], Iolanthe [Yollie], Zelia [Zelie, ..], Zoe [Zoelie]

Usage comparison for -lie names
