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Girl Names Ending with -on

On ending baby names and what they mean, with 105 results. -on names are used more often as masculine names. Adoption of these girl names was at its highest in 2009 (ADOPTION OF 2.9%) and is somewhat less today (ADOPTION 1.5%, 47% LESS), with names such as Sharon becoming somewhat dated. Anniston (#1099), Fallon (#1066) and Maddison (#406) are three of the more trendy baby names in this list, while Calton (TOP 9%) and Mattison (3%) are conventional -on last names. Here is the list of -on names for boys.

-on names

Addison - Cardon | Carmon - Con | Con - Gwenfron | Halcyon - Mignon | Nanon - Suzon | Tarleton - Visitacion

Addison - Cardon

Addison and variants

Addison, var. Adyson, Adisson, Adison, Addyson, Addeson
Source fr. Old English. "Son of Adam." Addisen is also a moderately common baby name.

Derived fr. Welsh. "Battle." Unisex name. Uncommon, but Aeron is comparable to common surnames Teron (UPPER 71%), Arron (42%), which also end with -ron.

Afton and variants

Afton, var. Affton
Stems fr. Old English. .. a town in southern Scotland. Afton exists regularly (UPPER 51%) as a surname.

Form of Agnes. Origin fr. Greek language. "Pure, holy." Outside Top 2000.

Var. of Agatha. Source fr. Greek language. "Good, honorable." Agafon is rarely adopted as a girls' name.

Alice and variants

Alyson1, Allysson, Allyson1, Allisson1, Allison1, Alison1, Alisson1
Forms of Alice. Root fr. Old German language. "Noble, exalted." Usage of Alisson and variants was widespread among parents 2 decades ago and has become reduced.

Alison2, var. Alyson2, Allyson2, Allisson2, Allison2, Alisson2
Derived fr. Old German element. "Noble, exalted." Alison (UPPER 20%), Allison (1%) and Allyson (100%) occur commonly as last names.

Anniston and variants

Anniston, var. Aniston
Derived fr. English language. Surname and place name of a .. Aniston and Anniston are more generally used as girls' names among these forms.

Var. of Annunciata. Origin fr. Italian language. "Announcement, notice." Not that common as a girls' name, Anunciacion exists more often as a surname.


Derivative of Old English word. "Ash tree town." Unisex name. Ashton is a conventional (TOP 39%) female name, and is found commonly (TOP 2%) as a last name.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of -on names: Addison, Addyson, Adison, Adyson, Afton

Top 2000 baby names ranking of -on names: Alison, Alisson, Allison, Allisson, Allyson

Top 2000 baby names ranking of -on names: Alyson, Aniston, Anniston, Ashton, Avalon

Top 2000 baby names ranking of -on names: Britton, Cameron, Kameron

Root fr. Old English. "East settlement; ash tree settlement." Unusual as a birth name, but Aston is similar to the more popular Austin. Gender-neutral name.

Asuncion, var. Asencion
Origin fr. Latin element. "Assumption (of the Virgin Mary into Heaven)." Asencion is unconventional as a girls' name among the versions of Asuncion.


Stems fr. Celtic element. "Island of apples." Sparing use, with usage of 0.007% for Avalon as a birth name in 2018, less than 0.008% the year before. See also Avalynn.

Var. of Biddy. Pet form of Bride or Bridget .. A peculiar girls' name, Bidon is found more frequently as a surname.

Root fr. Hebrew word. "Daughter of song." Bathron and Bethron are creative variations.

Brieon1, Briannon
Var. of Brianna. Based on Irish, Gaelic, Celtic. "High, noble, exalted." Not Top 2000 names.

Var. of Brionna. Root fr. Irish, Gaelic, Celtic elements. "High, noble, exalted." Compare last names Briton, Brien. See also Brenn.

Brittany and variants

Bryton, Britton, Briton
Var. of Brittany. Based on Latin language. "From Brittany or Britain." Briton and Bryton are more rare as girls' names among the forms of Brittany.

Cameron and variants

Cameron, var. Kamyron, Kamron, Kammeron, Kameron, Camron
Derivative of Scottish, Gaelic languages. "Crooked nose." Kamyron and forms were popular 19 years ago and have become less widespread.

Form of Carden. Source fr. Middle English language. "One who combs wool." Cardon is a sparsely used women's name, occurring often (UPPER 12%) as a surname. Also a boys' name.

Quick Reference

Summary Index of names [and variants] for -on names for girls.

1. Addison - Cardon
Addison [Adyson, ..], Aeron, Afton [Affton], Agnes [Agafon], Agatha [Agafon], Alice [Alyson, ..], Alison [Alyson, ..], Anniston [Aniston], Annunciata [Anunciacion], Ashton, Aston, Asuncion [Asencion], Avalon, Biddy [Bidon], Bithron, Brianna [Brieon, ..], Brionna [Brieon], Brittany [Bryton, ..], Cameron [Kamyron, ..], Carden [Cardon]

Carmen [Carmon], Carnation, Karen [Kerron, ..], Catherine [Karon, ..], Katherine [Karon, ..], Caron [Carron], Carrington [Carington], Carson [Kason, ..], Carolyn [Carylon], Cinderella [Cendrillon], Cha- [Chevon, ..], Charmaine [Sharmion, ..], Carol [Charmion], Charlotte [Sharmion, ..], Chevonne [Chevon], Siobhan [Shevon, ..], Christen [Christon], Cimarron [Simeron, ..], Cinnamon [Sinnamon, ..], Connie [Con]

Constance [Con], Concepcion, Corazon, Danna [Dannon], Daria [Darion], Daron, Dionne [Dion, ..], Deryn [Derron, ..], Devin [Devon], Devon [Devvon], Dylana [Dillon], Ellen [Elon, ..], Eurfron, Euron [Auron], Evonne [Evon], Fallon, Farren [Farron], Ffion, Fiona [Ffion], Gwenfron

Halcyone [Halcyon], Hilary [Ilarion, ..], Ivonne [Ivon], Jamison, Jasmine [Jazzmon, ..], Kameron [Kamron], Larsen [Larsson, ..], Linden [Lindon], Elise [Lison], Macon, Madeline [Madelon], Madison [Madyson, ..], Manon, Mary [Marion, ..], Marian [Marion], Marion [Maryon], Marjan [Marjon], Marlo [Marlon], Mason [Maison], Mignon [Mingnon]

Nan [Ninon, ..], Anne [Ninon, ..], Nina [Ninon], Ninon, Nanette [Ninon], Paxton, Payton [Peyton], Reanna [Reannon], Rhiannon [Rianon, ..], Saffron [Saphron], Sophronia [Saphron], Season, Shan- [Shandon], Shannon [Shanon], Sharon [Sherron, ..], Sha- [Sharon], Shavonne [Shyvon, ..], Sheridan [Sheridon, ..], Stetson [Stettson], Susan [Suzon]

Tarleton [Tarlton], Tirion [Tiryon], Toni [Toinon], Verona [Veron], Visitacion

Usage comparison for -on names
