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Girl Names Ending with -ren
Ren ending baby names and what they mean, with 28 results. -ren names are used more often as masculine names. These girl names were at the top of their popularity 7 decades ago (ADOPTION OF 1.8%) and have become much less widespread since (ADOPTION 0.21%, ▼88.3%), with names like Loren becoming less stylish. Maren (#607) and Wren (#469) are two of the more fashionable baby names in this list, while Geren (TOP 11%) and Duren (5%) are conventional -ren last names.
Aren - Lauren
Form of Erin. Source fr. Irish, Gaelic. "Ireland." Areen is a slightly favored girl's name.
Var. of Arin. Derivative of Irish, Gaelic, Hebrew. "Ireland; mountain of strength." Also used for boys. Unusual, but Aren is similar to common -ren last names Bren (TOP 19%), Hren (19%).
Var. of Brenna. Stems fr. Gaelic word. "Little drop of water." Bren is uncommon as a birth name. Cross-gender use.
Form of Bryn. Derivative of Welsh word. "Hill." Not in Top 2000. Cross-gender use.
Form of Brenda. Stems fr. Old Norse language. "Sword." Bren is uncommon as a birth name. Cross-gender use.
Kamren1, Kameren, Camren, Cameren
Var. of Cameron. Derivative of Scottish, Gaelic words. "Crooked nose." Not Top 2000 names.
Karen1▼, Carren1, Caren1▼
Var. of Katherine. Derived fr. Greek. "Pure." Popularly used, with usage of 0.028% for Caren and variants as children's names in 2018, but lower than 0.032% the previous year.
Var. of Carina. Based on Latin element. "Beloved." Caren has decreased in favor as a children's name circa the 1950s. See also Carel.
Carren2, Caren3▼
Var. of Caron. Origin fr. Greek language. "Pure." Caren and forms were popular as baby names in the 1950s.
Karen2▼, Catheren, Carren3, Caren4▼
Forms of Catherine. From Greek. "Pure." Used somewhat widely as baby names, Caren, Karen, etc. are pronounced like the common Corene.
Form of Corin. Source fr. Latin language. "Spear." Gender-neutral name. Unusual as a baby name, but Coren is similar to the more conventional Caron.
Form of Deryn. Root fr. Welsh element. "Bird." Derin (UPPER 90%), Deken (61%) are popular surnames. See also Doreen.
Iren, Eiren
Forms of Irene. Stems fr. Greek. "Peace." Ilen and Ireni are creative forms.
Farren, var. Faren
Origin fr. English element. "Adventurous." Unusual, with the unusual androgynous-sounding -en ending for Farren, Faren, like Fallen.
Form of Gudrun. Origin fr. Scandinavian. "God rune." Uncommon. Gudren is not found in the US Demographics.
Var. of Kameron. Based on Scottish, Gaelic languages. "Crooked nose." Unconventional. Kamren is not found in the US Demographics. See also Kamrynn.
Karen3▼, var. Taren, Karren, Carren4, Caren5▼
Derived fr. Danish, Greek. "Pure." Adoption of Karen and variants as children's names in 2018 was down 71.2% compared to the previous decade.
Origin fr. Hebrew element. "Glorious dignity." Somewhat common as a baby name, Keren is comparable to the popular Karren. See also Koreen.
Var. of Kora. Derived fr. Greek element. "Maiden." Used somewhat widely as a birth name, Koren is comparable to the conventional Karren. Also used for boys.
Loren▼, Lauren▼
Forms of Laura. Root fr. Latin word. "The bay, or laurel plant." Usage of Lauren and Loren as baby names in 2018 was down 69.6% compared to a decade ago.
Quick Reference
Summary Index of names [and variants] for -ren names for girls.
1. Aren - LaurenErin [Aren], Arin [Aren], Brenna [Bren], Bryn [Bren], Brenda [Bren], Cameron [Kamren, Camren, Kameren, Cameren], Katherine [Karen▼, Caren▼, Carren], Carina [Caren▼], Caron [Caren▼, Carren], Catherine [Karen▼, Caren▼, Carren, Catheren], Corin [Coren], Deryn [Deren], Irene [Iren, Eiren], Farren [Faren], Gudrun [Gudren], Kameron [Kamren], Karen▼ [Taren, Caren▼, Karren, Carren], Keren, Kora [Koren], Laura [Loren▼, Lauren▼]
Lauren▼ [Loren▼, Laren, L'Wren, Lorren, Larren], Loren▼ [Lorren], Mary [Maren▲], Perrin [Perren], Saffron [Saffren], Sharon [Sharen▼, Sharren], Taryn [Tarren], Wren▲