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Girl Names Ending with -ssa

Ssa ending baby names and what they mean, with 124 results. -ssa names are used more often as feminine names. These girl names reached the top of their popularity in 1993 (USAGE OF 2.32%) and are now much less popular (USAGE 0.5%, 79%), with names like Melissa becoming less in vogue. Tessa (#245) is the most contemporarily stylish name for newborns in this compilation, while Fossa (TOP 51%) and Mussa (32%) are popular -ssa surnames.

-ssa names

Agnessa - Beeatrissa | Bellissa - Clarissa | Clarissa - Jalessa | Janessa - Larissa | Lissa - Odessa | Orssa - Tossa | Trissa - Vanessa

Agnessa - Beeatrissa

Agnes and variants

Nessa, Inessa, Anissa1, Anessa1, Agnessa
Var. of Agnes. Derivative of Greek element. "Pure, holy." Adessa is also a marginally prominent kid's name.


Var. of Alexis. Source fr. Greek language. "Defender." Popular, and Alessa is similar to common last names Adessa (TOP 74%), Assa (71%), which also end with -ssa. See also Alyss.

Form of Alessandra. From Greek. Italian and Spanish form of Alexandra. A familiar girls' name. See also Allisa.

Alice and variants

Lyssa1, Lissa1, Ilyssa1, Illyssa, Ellissa, Elissa, Allyssa1, Alyssa1, Allissa1, Alissa1
Forms of Alice. Based on Old German word. "Noble, exalted." Alissa, Allissa, Allyssa, Alyssa, Elissa, Lissa and Lyssa are more prevalent as girls' names among the versions of Alice.

Alicia and variants

Alyssa2, Alissa2
Forms of Alicia. Derived fr. Old German word. "Noble, exalted." Usage of Alissa and Alyssa as birth names in 2018 was down 14.2% compared to the previous year.

Alisa and variants

Alyssa3, Allissa2, Alissa3
Var. of Alisa. From Hebrew. "Great happiness." Usage of Alissa and variants as children's names in 2018 was 77.6% less than a decade ago.

Var. of Alexandra. Origin fr. Greek element. "Man's defender." Allessa is not in the Top 2000. See also Allyssa.

Alyssa and variants

Alyssa4, var. Lyssa2, Lissa2, Ilyssa2, Illissa, Allyssa2, Allissa3, Alissa4
Based on Greek element. "Rational." Alissa, Allissa, Allyssa, Alyssa, Lissa and Lyssa are more commonly used as girls' names among these versions.

Form of Amaris. Stems fr. Hebrew word. "Promised by God." Unique, with the unusual -issa suffix for Amarissa, like Amissa, Anissa.

Form of Amisa. Root fr. Hebrew language. "Companion, friend." Not Top 2000 name.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of -ssa names: Alessa, Alissa, Allissa, Allyssa, Alyssa

Top 2000 baby names ranking of -ssa names: Anessa, Anissa, Anyssa, Elissa, Lissa, Lyssa

Annissa1, Annalissa, Analyssa, Analissa
Forms of Annalisa. Derived fr. Latin word. "Graced with God's bounty." Analissa, Annalissa, etc. are not in the Top 2000.

Annis and variants

Anyssa, Anissa2, Anessa2
Forms of Annis. Derivative of Greek word. "Satisfaction." Used somewhat frequently as birth names, Anissa, Anessa, etc. are comparable to the conventional Alissa.


Form of Anice. Root fr. Greek. "Satisfaction." Adoption of Anissa soared in 1993 and has become lower, with Anissa going out of style. See also Anyssa.

Form of Anne. Derivative of Hebrew element. "He (God) has favored me." A conventional children's name (#1825 A YEAR AGO), Anissa also exists often as a female first name. See also Amissa.

Var. of Anisa. Origin fr. Arabic, Persian, Iranian elements. "Pleasant companion; like love." Scarce as a baby name, but Annissa is comparable to the more common Annis.

Form of Arlise. Origin fr. Hebrew element. "Pledge." Arlissa is an unusual women's name. See also Alissa.

Var. of Arnelle. From American word. Invented name based on Arnold. Ainessa and Arnesda are creative forms. See also Agnessa.

Var. of Astrid. Stems fr. Old Norse word. "Beautiful goddess." Compare last names Assam (TOP 72%), Assad (13%). See also Aisha.

Form of Audrey. Derivative of Old English element. "Noble strength." Audessa is not in the Top 2000.

Form of Beatrice. Source fr. Latin element. "Voyager (through life); blessed." Not Top 2000 name.

Quick Reference

Summary Index of names [and variants] for -ssa names for girls.

1. Agnessa - Beeatrissa
Agnes [Nessa, ..], Alexis [Alessa], Alessandra [Alessa], Alice [Lyssa, ..], Alicia [Alyssa, ..], Alisa [Alyssa, ..], Alexandra [Allessa], Alyssa [Lyssa, ..], Amaris [Amarissa], Amisa [Amissa], Annalisa [Annissa, ..], Annis [Anyssa, ..], Anice [Anissa], Anne [Anissa], Anisa [Annissa], Arlise [Arlissa], Arnelle [Arnessa], Astrid [Assa], Audrey [Audessa], Beatrice [Beeatrissa]

Bella [Bellissa], Berenice [Bernessa], Bernadette [Bernessa], Brisa [Bryssa, ..], Calista [Calyssa, ..], Caresse [Carressa, ..], Charis [Karissa, ..], Charity [Charissa, ..], Carissa [Kharissa, ..], Carla [Carlissa], Cerise [Cerissa], Charissa [Kharissa], Chessa, Christina [Chrissa], Christine [Chrissa], Christy [Crissa, ..], Christa [Chryssa], Claire [Klarissa, ..], Clarice [Klarissa, ..], Clara [Clarissa]

Clarissa [Klarissa, ..], Concepcion [Conchissa], Cora [Koryssa, ..], Cressida [Cressa], Dalmace [Dalmassa], Da- [Danessa], Dara [Darissa], Delicia [Delyssa, ..], Denise [Denissa], Dessa, Elise [Elyssa, ..], Elissa [Lyssa, ..], Elizabeth [Lyssa, ..], Elsa [Elssa], Fidelity [Fidessa], Flora [Floressa], Genesis [Genessa], Hadassah [Hadassa], Inez [Inessa], Ja- [Jalissa, ..]

Janice [Janessa], Janessa [Jannessa, ..], Jane [Janessa], Je- [Jeressa, ..], Jenessa [Jinessa, ..], Jenny [Jennessa], Jessica [Jessa], Jessie [Jessa], Jo [Jonessa, ..], Julia [Julissa], Julissa [Julyssa], Ka- [Katessa, ..], Karissa [Karyssa, ..], Klara [Klaryssa, ..], Klarissa [Klaryssa], Kora [Koryssa, ..], Krista [Kryssa, ..], Lucretia [Lacrissa], La- [Lanessa], Larissa [Lyssa, ..]

Lissa [Lyssa], Millicent [Lissa], Lynette [Lynessa], Marquise [Marquessa, ..], Marisa [Maressa], Maris [Marissa, ..], Marissa [Morissa, ..], Marlisa [Marlyssa, ..], Maureen [Maurissa], Melissa [Molissa, ..], Mona [Monalissa], Morisa [Morissa], Narcissa [Narsissa, ..], Nerine [Neryssa, ..], Nerissa [Neryssa, ..], Nessie [Nessa], Nissa [Nyssa], Nora [Norissa], Nysa [Nyssa], Odessa [Odyssa, ..]

Orsa [Orssa], Paris [Parissa], Princess [Principessa, ..], Quintina [Quintessa], Raisa [Raissa], Ranae [Ranessa], Sarah [Sarissa], Sha- [Shanessa], Sharise [Sharissa], Sherry [Sherissa], Cherise [Sherissa], Sherisa [Sherissa], Ta- [Talyssa], Tasha [Tassa], Teresa [Tressa, ..], Theresa [Tressa, ..], Tessa, Thalassa [Talassa], Theodosia [Tossa], Tossa

Tricia [Trissa], Turkessa [Turquissa, ..], Ulyssa [Ulissa], Vanessa [Vonnessa, ..]

Usage comparison for -ssa names
