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Girl Names Ending with -thea
Thea ending baby names and what they mean, with 15 results. -thea names are used more often as feminine names. Adoption of these girl names was at its highest in the 1910s (ADOPTION OF 0.13%) and is somewhat less today (ADOPTION 0.08%, 37% LESS), with names such as Dorothea becoming somewhat outmoded. Thea (#273) is the most trendy baby name in this list, while Beathea (TOP 67%) is a common -thea last name.
Alethea - Timothea
Alethea, var. Elethea, Alithea, Alathea
From Greek word. "Verity, truth." Aletheia is also a slightly prominent kid's name.
Althea, var. Thea1▲, Elthea
Origin fr. Greek language. "Healing herb." Popular, and Althea, Elthea, Thea are comparable to common last names Anglea (UPPER 50%), Askea (85%), which also end with -ea.
Stems fr. Greek word. .. the name of the mountain goat .. A quaint birth name.
Anthea, var. Annthea
Root fr. Greek word. "Flowery." Anthea and Annthea are unusual as baby names.
From Hebrew element. "Maidservant of Jehovah." Compare surnames Beathea (TOP 67%), Betha (43%). See also Beth.
Var. of Cynthia. Derived fr. Greek language. "From Mount Kynthos." Outside Top 2000.
Thea2▲, Dorthea, Dorothea▼
Var. of Dorothy. Source fr. Greek element. "Gift of God." Usage of Dorothea and variants as baby names in 2018 was significantly more than a decade ago.
Form of Galatea. Origin fr. Greek element. "White as milk." Galathea is rare as a birth name.
Matthea, Mathea
Var. of Mattea. Derivative of Hebrew element. "Gift of God." Marthea and Matie are creative forms.
Root fr. Greek element. "Verity, truth." Rare. Olethea, similar to Orphea, Oliveea, uses the -ea ending. See also Olathe.
Derived fr. Greek language. "Of all gods." Not in popularity charts. See also Penthea.
Derived fr. Greek element. "Fifth." Not Top 2000 name. See also Panthia.
Philothea, var. Phillothea, Filothea
Origin fr. Greek element. "Lover of God." Philothea, Filothea and Phillothea are not often used as girls' names.
Origin fr. Greek. "Goddess." Popular as a children's name, Thea is comparable to the popular Shea. See also Toya.
Timothea, var. Thea4▲
Derived fr. Greek. "God's honor." Thea is prevalent (UPPER 32%) as a first name, whereas Timothea is irregularly used.
Quick Reference
Summary Index of names [and variants] for -thea names for girls.
1. Alethea - TimotheaAlethea [Elethea, Alithea, Alathea], Althea [Thea▲, Elthea], Amalthea, Anthea [Annthea], Bethea, Cynthia [Cynthea], Dorothy [Thea▲, Dorthea, Dorothea▼], Galatea [Galathea], Mattea [Mathea, Matthea], Olethea, Panthea, Penthea, Philothea [Filothea, Phillothea], Thea▲, Timothea [Thea▲]