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Boy Names Ending with -am
Am ending baby names and what they mean, with 80 results. -am names are used more often as masculine names. These boy names were at the height of their popularity in the 1880s (USAGE OF 8.5%) and are now significantly less widespread (USAGE 2.6%, 69% LESS), with names like Sam becoming somewhat outmoded. The most trendy names for newborns here are Liam (#1), Beckham (#295), Graham (#181), Abraham (#164) and Abram (#433), while Alam (TOP 5%) and Milam (2%) are familiar -am last names.
Abraham - Beecham
Abraham▲, var. Bram1, Avram1, Avraham, Abram1▲, Aberham
Based on Hebrew word. "Father of a multitude (of nations)." Abrahm is also a slightly prominent boys' name.
Abram2▲, var. Bram2, Avram2
Origin fr. Hebrew word. "High father." Common as surnames. Compare Abram (UPPER 4%), Avram (32%), Bram (20%) and common last names Akram (UPPER 19%), Antram (47%), which also end with -ram.
Adam▼, var. Adham1, Addam
Origin fr. Hebrew element. "Earth." Somewhat common as children's names, Adam, Addam, etc. are comparable to the familiar Aydan.
Derivative of Arabic language. "Black." Rare as a children's name, but Adham is comparable to the more conventional Adan. See also Adim.
Form of Damek. Derivative of Hebrew word. "Earth." Adlam (TOP 49%), Adam (2%) are conventional surnames. See also Adim.
Ahiram, var. Achiram
Root fr. Hebrew word. "My brother is exalted." Not Top 2000 names.
Form of Ambrose. Origin fr. Greek element. "Immortal." Am is not in the Top 2000. See also Al.
Form of Amos. Source fr. Hebrew word. "To carry; borne by God." Not that common as a baby name, Am is used more frequently as a surname. See also Ani.
Origin fr. Tamil language. "Heavenly." Amarami and Asaram are creative forms. See also Amram.
Root fr. Hebrew element. "Mighty nation." Unique. Amram, like Aviram, Abram, ends with -ram. See also Amaram.
Aram, var. Arram
Derived fr. Assyrian. "High." Aram and Arram became less popular last year, falling on average -128 rankings as children's names with Aram leading the decline.
Stems fr. Hebrew language. "My father is mighty." Unusual, with the unusual masculine-sounding -ram ending for Aviram, like Achiram. See also Abram.
Derivative of Hebrew. "High father." Uncommon, with the masculine -ram suffix for Avram, like Aram. See also Abrami.
From Arabic language. "Great." Not in popularity charts. See also Azeem.
Stems fr. Hebrew. "The nation's son." Not Top 2000 name. See also Barni.
Form of Barnum. Derivative of Old English word. Possibly derived from "Baron's home" .. Not widespread. Barnham is not found in the US Demographics.
Bartram, var. Barthram
Derived fr. Scandinavian word. "Bright raven." Bartram and Barthram are unique as male names, and Bartram appears commonly (UPPER 8%) as a last name.
Form of Basim. Derived fr. Arabic language. "Smile." Bassam is scarce as a male name. See also Bascom.
From Old English word. "Homestead by the stream; Becca's homestead." Adoption of Beckham as a children's name in 2018 was down 4.6% compared to a year ago.
Form of Beauchamp. Stems fr. Old French. "The beautiful field." Not Top 2000 name.
Quick Reference
Summary Index of names [and variants] for -am names for boys.
1. Abraham - BeechamAbraham▲ [Bram, Avram, Abram▲, Avraham, ..], Abram▲ [Bram, Avram], Adam▼ [Adham, Addam], Adham, Damek [Adham], Ahiram [Achiram], Ambrose [Am], Amos [Am], Amaram, Amram, Aram [Arram], Aviram, Avram, Azam, Baram, Barnum [Barnham], Bartram [Barthram], Basim [Bassam], Beckham▲, Beauchamp [Beecham]
Bertram▼ [Bartram], Bram, Brigham [Briggham], Byron [Byram], Byram, Cameron [Cam], Cobham [Cobbham], Cramer [Kram, Cram], Cunningham [Conyngham], Denham, Dor [Doram], Dunham, Earlham, Eilam [Elam], Ilan [Elam], Eliam, Ephraim [Ephriam, Ephream], Farnham [Farnam, Fernham], Gautam, Gershom [Gersham]
Gilam, Gorham, Graham▲ [Gram, Graeham], Grant [Grantham], Gresham, Hadar [Hadaram], Hallam, Ham, Hiram▼ [Hyram], Hashim [Hisham], Ingram [Yngraham, Ingraham], Isam, Isham, Jeroboam, Joram, Jotham, Kameron [Kam], Kareem [Karam], Latham, Liam▲ [Lyam]
Macadam [Mcadam], Malki [Malkam, Malcam], Markham, Nachman [Nacham], Noam, Pelham [Pellam], Racham [Raham], Ram, Sam▼, Samson [Sam▼], Samuel [Sam▼], Thomas [Tam], Tristan [Tristam, Tristram], Wadham, Waltham, Wickham, William▼ [Liam▲], Wolfgang [Wulfram, Wolfram], Wortham, Wyndham [Windham, Wynndham]