Home > -ander Names

Boy Names Ending with -ander

Ander ending baby names and what they mean, with 21 results. -ander names are used more often as masculine names. Adoption of these boy names was at its most widespread a decade ago (USAGE OF 1.1%) and is almost as conventional today (USAGE 0.9%, 15.5%), but with names like Leander becoming less fashionable. Evander (#1061), Xander (#171) and Zander (#259) are three of the more fashionable boy names in this compilation, while Chander (TOP 30%) and Glander (15%) are common -ander last names.

-ander names

Alcander - Xander | Zander

Alcander - Xander

Alcander1, var. Alkander
Source fr. Greek language. "Strong." Uncommon. Compare Alcander, Alkander with common surnames Alexader (TOP 51%), Alander (70%), which also end with -der.

Alexander and variants

Alexander, var. Zander1, Xander1, Sikander, Sander1, Iskander1, Alissander, Alisander, Aleksander, Alaxander, Alcander2
Based on Greek language. "Man's defender, warrior." Alexander, Sander, etc. became less trendy in 2018, dropping -12 rankings as children's names with Zander leading the decline.


Var. of Anders. Origin fr. Scandinavian, Greek. "Man, warrior." Popular as a birth name, Ander is comparable to the conventional Andre. See also Anker.

Form of Brand. Stems fr. Old Norse, Old English. "Sword; fiery torch, beacon." Brander is a unique masculine name, registering often (UPPER 18%) as a surname. See also Brandyn.

Cassander, var. Casander
Root fr. Spanish, Greek languages. "Brother of heroes." Not Top 2000 names.

.. possibly Leander (Greek) "lion man", and .. Cleander was not among 2018's Top names. See also Cleandro.


Origin fr. Latin, Greek words. "Good man." Prominent, with usage of 0.011% for Evander as a birth name in 2018, higher than 0.009% the year before.

Ysander, Isander
Forms of Isandro. Source fr. Spanish, Greek elements. "Man's liberator." Isander and Ysander are not Top 2000 names.

Derived fr. Arabic, Greek words. "Man's defender." Iskander is not often used as a children's name. See also Isander.

Based on Middle English. .. possibly "laundryman" or "landowner". Unusual as a boys' name, but Lander is similar to the more common Zander. See also Linder.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of -ander names: Aleksander, Alexander, Ander, Evander, Leander

Top 2000 baby names ranking of -ander names: Vander, Xander, Zander

Leander and variants

Leander, var. Liander, Ander2
Derived fr. Greek language. "Lion man." Leander and Ander are more common as baby names compared to Liander.

Possibly "from the Levant (eastern Mediterranean)" .. Not Top 2000 name.

Source fr. Greek. "Liberator." Lysander is an infrequently used men's name.

Root fr. Greek language. "New man." Neande and Ninder are creative variations. See also Leander.

Form of Nicandro. Based on Spanish, Greek languages. "Man of victory." Sparing use. Nikander is not listed in the US Census.

Stems fr. Greek element. "Loving mankind." Not in Top 2000.

Rhinelander, var. Rheinlander
Based on German. "Dweller at the Rhineland." Not Top 2000 names.

Sander and variants

Sander2, var. Zander2, Xander2
Source fr. German, Greek. "Man's defender." Xander and Zander are fashionable forms.


Possibly (Dutch) "from the" or a .. Less common today. Vander last appeared in 1900-1909 in the Top 2000. See also Xander.


Root fr. Greek language. "Man's defender." Common, with usage of 0.125% for Xander as a boys' name in 2018, though lower than 0.13% a year ago. See also Vander.

Quick Reference

Summary Index of names [and variants] for -ander names for boys.

1. Alcander - Xander
Alcander [Alkander], Alexander [Zander, Xander, Sander, Sikander, Iskander, Alisander, Alissander, Aleksander, ..], Anders [Ander], Brand [Brander], Cassander [Casander], Cleander, Evander, Isandro [Ysander, Isander], Iskander, Lander, Leander [Ander, Liander], Levander, Lysander, Neander, Nicandro [Nikander], Philander, Rhinelander [Rheinlander], Sander [Zander, Xander], Vander, Xander


Usage comparison for -ander names
