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Boy Names Ending with -ck
Ck ending baby names and what they mean, with 144 results. -ck names are used more often as masculine names. These boy names were at the apex of their popularity during the years 1920-1929 (USAGE OF 1.7%) and are almost as popular today (USAGE 1.2%, ▼28%), but with names such as Rodrick going out of style. Maverick (#73), Merrick (#817) and Kendrick (#418) are three of the more trendy baby names here, while Hetrick (TOP 3%) and Hedrick (1%) are conventional -ck last names.
Adalrick - Breck
Adelrick, Adalrick
Forms of Adalric. Stems fr. Old German language. "Noble, regal ruler." Rare. Compare Adalrick, Adelrick and popular -ck surnames Arrick (UPPER 29%), Altick (80%).
Rick▼, Errick1, Erick, Arrick1, Arreck, Aerick, Aerrick
Forms of Eric. Origin fr. Old Norse element. "Complete ruler." Aerick, Aerrick, Arreck and Arrick are more unconventional as boys' names among the variations of Eric.
Ulrick, Alrick1, Allerick, Allarick, Alerick, Alarick
Var. of Alaric. Source fr. Old German word. "Noble, regal ruler." Alarik is a slightly favored baby name.
Form of Aubrey. Stems fr. Old German language. "Elf or magical being, power." Uncommon, with the -ick suffix for Alberick, like Adelrick, Alick. See also Alerick.
Alick1, Aleck
Forms of Alex. Source fr. Greek element. "Man's defender, warrior." Aleck (UPPER 44%) and Alick (74%) exist frequently as last names.
Var. of Alec. Root fr. English, Scottish, Greek. "Man's defender, warrior." Alick is an unusual masculine name, existing commonly (TOP 74%) as a last name. See also Alix.
Var. of Alexander. Source fr. Greek element. "Man's defender, warrior." Not in Top 2000.
Form of Aldrich. Root fr. Old English. "Old." Compare last names Allick (UPPER 67%), Alick (74%). See also Alarick.
Var. of Andrik. Based on Slavic, Greek languages. "Man, warrior." Andrick was not among 2018's Top names. See also Andrij.
Errick2, Arrick2, Arick
Var. of Aric. Derivative of Old Norse language. "Complete ruler." Arrick (TOP 29%) and Arick (42%) appear regularly as surnames.
Var. of Baldric. Based on Old German language. "Brave ruler." Rather quirky as a children's name, Baldrick is used more frequently as a surname.
Derived fr. Scottish, Gaelic languages. "Unleavened oat bread." Bannock is a unique masculine name.
Source fr. Hebrew, Swahili, African words. "Lightning; blessing." Barrack and Berack are creative forms. See also Brock.
Based on Teutonic element. "Axe-ruler." Unusual. Bardrick is not listed in the US Demographics. See also Barrick.
Form of Barric. Stems fr. English word. "Grain farm." Barrick is unusual as a male name, appearing frequently (TOP 4%) as a last name. See also Garrick.
Source fr. Old Norse word. "Stream." Rare, with usage of 0.006% for Beck as a boys' name in 2018, less than 0.007% the previous year. Also used for girls.
Benedick, Bendick
Forms of Benedict. Origin fr. Latin element. "Blessed." Bendick (UPPER 37%) and Benedick (31%) exist frequently as last names.
Based on Old English language. "Dark-skinned." Unusual as a boys' name, but Black is similar to the more familiar Blake.
Derived fr. Old English word. "Broad-spreading oak." Braddock, like the similar Craddock, occurs more often as a last name.
Derivative of Gaelic, Old English languages. "Freckled; gap." Unisex name. Breck is a rare men's name, existing often (UPPER 18%) as a surname.
Quick Reference
Summary Index of names [and variants] for -ck names for boys.
1. Adalrick - BreckAdalric [Adelrick, ..], Eric [Rick▼, ..], Alaric [Ulrick, ..], Aubrey [Alberick], Alex [Alick, ..], Alec [Alick], Alexander [Alick], Aldrich [Alrick], Andrik [Andrick], Aric [Errick, ..], Baldric [Baldrick], Bannock, Barack, Bardrick, Barric [Barrick], Beck, Benedict [Benedick, ..], Black, Braddock, Breck
Brick, Brock, Broderick [Rick▼, ..], Brunswick, Buck▼, Cadogan [Caddock], Carrick, Cedric [Sedrick, ..], Chad [Chadwick▼, ..], Chadwick▼ [Chadwyck], Charles [Chuck▼, ..], Chick, Chuck▼, Comstock, Cormac [Cormick, ..], Cormick [Cormack], Corey [Corrick], Craddock [Cradock], Crockett [Krock, ..], Dack
Dax [Dack], Damek [Damick], Darrick▼ [Darick], Derek [Deryck, ..], Darroch [Darrock], Dietrich [Diederick, ..], Dedrick [Diedrick, ..], Delroy [Delrick], Theodoric [Thedrick, ..], Richard [Rick▼, ..], Dick▼, Dirk [Dirck, ..], Dominic [Nick▼, ..], Edric [Edrick, ..], Eldridge [Eldrick], Enoch [Enock], Fenwick, Fitzpatrick, Frank [Franck], Frederick▼ [Rick▼, ..]
Frick, Garnock, Garrick▼ [Garryck, ..], Godric [Goodrick, ..], Hancock [Handcock], Hardwick [Harwyck], Havelock, Hector [Heck], Henry [Hendrick, ..], Hendrick, Harold [Herryck, ..], Herrick [Herryck], Hitchcock, Jack, Jackson [Jack], Jacob [Jack, ..], John [Johnpatrick, ..], Jedrek [Jedrick], Jerrick [Jerick, ..], Jacques [Jock]
Jock, George [Yorick, ..], Kade [Kadrick], Kedrick [Keddrick], Kendrick▲ [Kenrick, ..], Kerrick, Locke [Lock], Louis [Lodewick], Luke [Luck], Aloysius [Lutwick, ..], Mac [Mack▼], Maximilian [Mack▼], Maximus [Mack▼], Maddock [Madock], Maverick▲ [Mavrick], Mc- [Mccormick], Melchisedek [Melchisadeck], Meldrick [Melderick], Merrick▲ [Myrick, ..], Michael [Mick]
Mike [Mick], Murdock, Nicholas [Nick▼], Nick▼, Orrick, Osric [Osrick], Patrick▼, Pollock [Pollack], Renwick, Rhinebeck [Rheinbeck], Ulric [Ulrick, ..], Rick▼, Rocco [Rock], Rochester [Rock], Rock, Rocky [Rock], Roderick▼ [Rorick, ..], Sean [Seanpatrick], Sedgwick [Sedgwyck, ..], Shadrach [Shadrick, ..]
Sherlock [Shurlock], Stanwick [Stanwyck], Stark [Starck], Tamarack, Tariq [Tarick], Ted [Tedrick], Tucker [Tuck], Turk [Turck], Ulick, Varick [Warrick, ..], Victor [Vick], Waldwick [Waldwyck], Warwick [Warrick, ..], Whitbeck, Whitlock, Woodstock, Woyzeck [Wozzeck], Wyck [Wick], Yann [Yannick], York [Yorrick, ..]
Yorick, Isaac [Zack], Zachariah [Zack], Zachary [Zack]