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Boy Names Ending with -ean
Ean ending baby names and what they mean, with 29 results. -ean names are used more often as masculine names. Adoption of these boy names was at its most widespread in the year 1990 (ADOPTION OF 0.7%) and is now much less (ADOPTION 0.2%, ▼67.3%), with names such as Sean becoming less stylish. Marean (TOP 34%) and Olean (48%) are conventional -ean last names.
Adrean - Kean
Aydreean, Aydrean, Adreean, Adrean
Var. of Adrian. Based on Latin. "From Hadria." Unconventional, but Aydreean, var. are comparable to popular last names Ayersman (TOP 49%), Ardelean (25%), which also end with -an.
Form of Alan. From Old German word. "Precious." Not in popularity charts. See also Gilean.
Based on Scottish, Gaelic languages. "Pup, whelp." Cailan is a marginally favored kid's name. See also Calan.
Var. of Callan. Origin fr. Gaelic, Scottish words. "Battle; rock." Cailean is uncommon as a masculine name. See also Cailin.
Var. of Colin. Stems fr. Irish, Scottish, Gaelic. "Young creature." Uncommon as a birth name, but Cailean is similar to the more common Callan. See also Calan.
Form of Da-. Derived fr. American element. .. Pronunciation emphasis is on the second .. Unique. Dasean is not found in the US Demographics.
Origin fr. Old English language. "Valley; church official." Usage of Dean as a children's name in 2018 was significantly more than a decade ago. See also Denny.
Desean1, Delorean
Var. of De-. Origin fr. American element. Combination of the De prefix with .. Delorean and Desean are scantly used as masculine names.
Var. of Deshawn. Derivative of American language. Modern name .. Adoption of Desean was common among parents a decade ago. See also Lesean.
Var. of Ian. Source fr. Scottish, Gaelic. "God is gracious." Ean is popular as a baby name among the versions of Ian.
Sean▼, Jean1▼, Ean2
Var. of John. Based on Hebrew element. "God is gracious." Usage of Jean and Sean as children's names has dwindled circa 1920-1929.
Var. of Eion. Stems fr. Irish, Hebrew languages. "God is gracious." Ean became less trendy in 2018, dropping -8 positions as a baby name to reach #1101. See also Van.
Form of Eoin. From Irish, Gaelic, Hebrew words. "God is gracious." Usage of Ean as a boys' name in 2018 was 19% less than a decade ago. See also Xan.
Form of Eilian. Name of a sixth century Welsh .. Ellean and Emlean are creative forms.
Phinean, Fiinean
Var. of Finnian. Based on Irish, Gaelic element. "White, fair." Fiinean and Phinean are not Top 2000 names.
Form of Frayne. Derived fr. Middle English. "Foreign." Compare last names Frear (UPPER 21%), Fream (81%). See also Farran.
Gillean, var. Gilean
Root fr. Scottish, Gaelic languages. "Servant of St John." Gillean and Gilean were not among 2018's Top names.
From Scottish, Gaelic words. "Servant of St John." Gilzean is seldom adopted as a birth name. See also Gillean.
Based on French, Hebrew elements. "God is gracious." Usage of Jean as a boys' name in 2018 was 6.8% less than a year ago. Cross-gender use.
Kiean, Kean
Var. of Cian. From Irish, Gaelic word. "Ancient." Uncommon. Kean, Kiean (compare Kelan, Kennan) ends with -an.
Quick Reference
Summary Index of names [and variants] for -ean names for boys.
1. Adrean - KeanAdrian [Adrean, Adreean, Aydrean, Aydreean], Alan [Ailean], Cailean, Callan [Cailean], Colin [Cailean], Da- [Dasean], Dean, De- [Desean, Delorean], Deshawn [Desean], Ian [Ean], John [Ean, Sean▼, Jean▼], Eion [Ean], Eoin [Ean], Eilian [Eilean], Finnian [Phinean, Fiinean], Frayne [Frean], Gillean [Gilean], Gilzean, Jean▼, Cian [Kean, Kiean]
Keane [Kean], Killian [Kilean, Killean], La- [Lasean], Laurean, Le- [Lesean], Marshawn [Marsean], Sean▼, Taurus [Taurean], Torin [Torean]