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Boy Names Ending with -iah
Iah ending baby names and what they mean, with 32 results. -iah names are used more often as feminine names. These boy names were at the peak of their popularity in the year 2016 (USAGE OF 1.38%) and have remained as popular to this day (USAGE 1.31%, DOWN 4.8%), but with names such as Isiah becoming less in vogue. The more fashionable birth names here are Azariah (#758), Hezekiah (#624), Jedidiah (#704), Josiah (#53) and Joziah (#763), while Skariah (TOP 78%) is a common -iah last name. Here is the list of -iah names for girls.
Abiah - Nehemiah
Aviah, Abiah
Forms of Abia. Source fr. Hebrew element. "God is my father." Aziah is a slightly favored baby name.
Azariah1▲, var. Zariah, Azuriah, Azriah
Based on Hebrew language. "Helped by God." Common. Compare Azariah, Azuriah, etc. with popular -ah last names Armah (UPPER 65%), Asamoah (35%).
Form of Ezra. Origin fr. Hebrew element. "Help." Also used for girls. Unique. Azariah is not found in the US Demographics.
Derived fr. Hebrew language. "God is great." Not much used as a birth name.
Gephaniah, Gefaniah
Forms of Gefen. Based on Hebrew language. "Vine." Not in popularity charts.
Stems fr. Hebrew word. "Strength of Jehovah." A quaint birth name.
Derived fr. Hebrew language. "God decides." Haaiah and Haraiah are creative variations.
Root fr. Hebrew element. "God gives strength." Hezekiah became less trendy last year, dropping -12 positions as a birth name to reach #624.
Isaiah▲, var. Iziah, Izaiah▲, Issiah, Isiah▼
Root fr. Hebrew word. "God is salvation." Isaiah, Isiah, Issiah, Izaiah and Iziah are more widely used as baby names compared to other versions.
Var. of Jed. Derived fr. Hebrew element. "Beloved of the Lord." Jedediah is an irregularly used masculine name.
Jediah, var. Jedaiah
Source fr. Hebrew. "Jehovah knows." Jediah and Jedaiah are rarely adopted as birth names.
Jedidiah▲, var. Jedediah2, Jedadiah
Derivative of Hebrew word. "Beloved of the Lord." Jedidiah has risen in popularity since 1880-1889.
Root fr. Hebrew language. "The Lord exalts." Adoption of Jeremiah was common in 2010 and is less today. See also Jeremie.
Var. of Jarah. Based on Hebrew language. "God gives sweetness; honey." Jeriah is common as a boys' name among the forms of Jarah. See also Jerrah.
From Hebrew word. "Taught by God." Rare, with usage of 0.005% for Jeriah as a baby name in 2018, higher than 0.004% a year ago. See also Jarrah.
Var. of Jesse. Source fr. Hebrew. "The Lord exists." Usage of Jesiah as a birth name in 2018 was 7.3% more than a year ago. See also Jediah.
Josiah▲, var. Joziah▲
Source fr. Hebrew word. "Jehovah helps." Usage of Josiah and Joziah as baby names in 2018 was 3.4% less than 2017.
Mataniah, var. Mattaniah
Stems fr. Hebrew element. "God's gift." Not Top 2000 names.
Var. of Moses. Derived fr. Hebrew language. "Savior." Mosiah is not a Top 2000 name.
Nehemiah▲, var. Nechemiah
Derivative of Hebrew element. "Comforter." Widely used, with usage of 0.044% for Nehemiah and Nechemiah as birth names in 2018, though lower than 0.048% in 2017.
Quick Reference
Summary Index of names [and variants] for -iah names for boys.
1. Abiah - NehemiahAbia [Aviah, Abiah], Azariah▲ [Zariah, Azriah, Azuriah], Ezra [Azariah▲], Gedaliah, Gefen [Gefaniah, Gephaniah], Gevariah, Hazaiah, Hezekiah▲, Isaiah▲ [Iziah, Isiah▼, Izaiah▲, Issiah], Jed [Jedediah], Jediah [Jedaiah], Jedidiah▲ [Jedediah, Jedadiah], Jeremiah▲, Jarah [Jeriah], Jeriah, Jesse [Jesiah▲], Josiah▲ [Joziah▲], Mataniah [Mattaniah], Moses [Mosiah], Nehemiah▲ [Nechemiah]
Obadiah [Ovadiah, Obediah], Tobias [Tobiah], Tuvya [Toviah], Ukiah, Uriah▲, Uziah [Uzziah], Uziel [Uzziah], Zachariah▲ [Zekeriah, Zekariah, Zecheriah, Zechariah▲, Zackariah, Zaccariah], Zebediah, Zedekiah [Zedechiah], Zephaniah, Zephariah