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Boy Names Ending with -ing
Ing ending baby names and what they mean, with 38 results. -ing names are used more often as masculine names. These boy names were at the peak of their popularity during 1910-1919 (USAGE OF 0.22%) and have remained as popular to this day (USAGE 0.2%, DOWN 6.2%), but with names such as Irving becoming less fashionable. King (#150) and Sterling (#409) are two of the more fashionable boy names among these, while Sparling (TOP 8%) and Kling (3%) are conventional -ing last names.
Ashling - Goring
Form of Ashley. Root fr. Old English. "Ash meadow." Uncommon. Compare Ashling with common -ng surnames Amling (TOP 40%), Anning (68%). Unisex name.
Derivative of Irish, Gaelic. "Small fair one." Banning is unique as a masculine name, registering often (UPPER 6%) as a surname. See also Manning.
Based on Old German word. "The hollow shaped like a pot." Not Top 2000 name. See also Bingo.
Derivative of French element. "Official of the church." Caining and Caning are creative variations. See also Manning.
Var. of Carlin. Derivative of Irish, Gaelic element. "Little champion." Rather quaint as a children's name, Carling is found more conventionally as a surname. Gender-neutral name.
Var. of Carollan. Source fr. Irish, Gaelic. "Little champion." Carling is a rarely occurring first name, existing commonly (TOP 18%) as a last name. Unisex name.
Channing, var. Canning2
Stems fr. English, Old French words. "Young wolf; official of the church." Canning (TOP 5%) and Channing (26%) exist commonly as last names.
Var. of Darren. Stems fr. Irish, Gaelic element. "Great." Not much used as a baby name, Darring is found more frequently as a last name.
Source fr. Old Norse. "Scintillating." Not in popularity charts.
From Old English. "Son of the nobleman." Erling is rarely used as a men's name, appearing regularly (TOP 36%) as a surname. See also Erving.
Based on Old English word. "Green, fresh water." Somewhat atypical as a birth name, Erving is found more often as a last name. See also Ervyn.
Var. of Esme. Source fr. Old French. "Esteemed; to love." Esmeling was not a Top birth name in 2018.
Form of Euan. Root fr. Scottish, Gaelic words. "Born of yew; youth." Less used today. Ewing was last recorded in 1940-1949 in the Top 2000.
Root fr. Old English language. "Law-friend." Adoption of Ewing was expansive during 1890-1899.
Fielding, var. Feilding
Origin fr. Old English language. "The field." Feilding is uncommon as a children's name among the versions of Fielding.
Fleming, var. Flemming
Source fr. Old English word. "Man from Flanders." Less used today. Fleming was the variant last listed (the 1930s) in the Top 2000.
Form of Gamble. Derivative of Old Norse word. "Old." Not Top 2000 name.
Form of Godwin. Source fr. Old English. "God friend." Rather quirky as a baby name, Godding occurs more frequently as a last name. See also Golding.
Stems fr. Old English word. "Little golden one." Compare surnames Gooding, Goding. See also Goldwin.
Form of Gore. Based on Old English element. "Spear; wedge-shaped object." Not in Top 2000. See also Gorin.
Quick Reference
Summary Index of names [and variants] for -ing names for boys.
1. Ashling - GoringAshley [Ashling], Banning, Bing, Canning, Carlin [Carling], Carollan [Carling], Channing [Canning], Darren [Darring], Delling, Erling, Erving, Esme [Esmeling], Euan [Ewing], Ewing, Fielding [Feilding], Fleming [Flemming], Gamble [Gambling], Godwin [Godding], Golding, Gore [Goring]
Harding, Hastings [Hasting], Henry [Henning], Ingemar [Ing], Irving▼, King▲, Kipling [Kippling], Lansing, Loring [Lorring], Manning, Maslin [Masling], Reading [Reiding, Reeding, Redding], Ring, Spalding [Spaulding], Starling, Sterling▲ [Stirling], Warren [Waring], Worth [Worthing]