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Boy Names Ending with -land
Land ending baby names and what they mean, with 39 results. -land names are used more often as masculine names. Usage of these boy names was at its apex in the 1920s (ADOPTION OF 0.35%) and is now significantly less (ADOPTION 0.11%, 69.7% LESS), with names like Roland becoming somewhat dated. Ryland (#532) is the most chic baby name in this compilation, while Toland (TOP 4%) and Ferland (9%) are familiar -land last names.
Aland - Land
Var. of Alan. Source fr. Old German. "Precious." Anand is a slightly favored kid's name. See also Arand.
Var. of Arlen. From Gaelic element. "Pledge, oath." Arland (cf. Askland, Ausland) is a common -and suffix last name. See also Orland.
Origin fr. English element. .. combination of Bryan with Ryland. Unconventional. Bryland is not listed in the US Demographics.
Derived fr. Old English. "Land of clay." Unique, with the androgynous-sounding -nd ending, like Cleavland.
Cleveland▼, var. Cleavland, Cleaveland
Derived fr. Old English word. "Land of cliffs; hilly area." Cleaveland and Cleavland are more unconventional as children's names among the variant forms of Cleveland.
Courtland1, Cortland1
Var. of Cort. Based on English, Old German elements. "Courtier, court attendant; brave." Cortland and Courtland are intermittently used as given names, and Courtland is found often (UPPER 37%) as a surname.
Courtland2, var. Cortland2
Derived fr. Old English language. "Land of the court." Cortland and forms peaked in popularity in 1996.
Derland, var. Durland
Derivative of Old English element. "Land with deer." Derland and Durland were not Top birth names in 2018.
Form of Devlin. Based on Irish, Gaelic language. "Fierce courage." Seldom used as a baby name.
Earland, var. Erland1
Origin fr. Old English language. "Earl's land." Ealand and Euland are creative variations.
Derivative of Old English, Old Norse elements. "Noble's land; foreigner, stranger." Rare, with the -nd suffix for Erland, like Esmund, Earland. See also Erling.
Var. of Freeman. Based on Old English element. "Free man." Scarce as a baby name, Freeland is used more conventionally as a last name.
Source fr. Old English, Old French words. "Land of the spear; wreath." Unisex name. Less common today. Garland last appeared in 1997 in the Top 2000.
Origin fr. Old English word. "The large fields." Not in Top 2000.
Var. of Harlan. Based on Old English element. "Grey land; hare land." Harland was popular during 1910-1919, but now, Harland has become less fashionable. See also Marland.
Stems fr. Old English language. "Land with hills." Hoyland, Holland are common last names.
Var. of Kirk. Derivative of Old Norse, Old German words. "Church." Kirkland was popular with parents in 1997. See also Kirtland.
Kirkland2, var. Kirtland
Stems fr. Old English language. "Church land." Kirkland (TOP 1%) and Kirtland (22%) are found regularly as surnames.
Roland▼, Orland, Land1
Var. of Orlando. Derived fr. Spanish, Old German elements. "Renowned land." Adoption of Land and variants was common during 1920-1929 and has become reduced, with Roland falling out of fashion.
Form of Lander. Source fr. Middle English element. .. possibly "laundryman" or "landowner". Land was not among 2018's Top names. See also Lindy.
Quick Reference
Summary Index of names [and variants] for -land names for boys.
1. Aland - LandAlan [Aland], Arlen [Arland], Bryland, Clayland, Cleveland▼ [Cleavland, Cleaveland], Cort [Cortland, Courtland], Courtland [Cortland], Derland [Durland], Devlin [Devland], Earland [Erland], Erland, Freeman [Freeland], Garland▼, Grantland, Harlan [Harland▼], Howland, Kirk [Kirkland], Kirkland [Kirtland], Orlando [Land, Roland▼, Orland], Lander [Land]
Leland [Leyland, Leeland, Leighland], Maitland [Maytland], Marland, Marlon [Marland], Maryland [Mariland, Marryland, Marriland, Marilland], Moreland [Morland, Moorland], Morland, Newland, Nolan [Noland], Portland, Rocky [Rockland], Roland▼ [Rowland, Rolland▼, Roeland], Rolf [Rowland], Rutland, Ryland▲ [Ryeland], Strickland, Sutherland [Southerland], Wayland, Wylan [Wyland]