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Boy Names Ending with -man
Man ending baby names and what they mean, with 94 results. -man names are used more often as masculine names. These boy names reached the top of their popularity in the 1910s (ADOPTION OF 1%) and are now significantly less conventional (ADOPTION 0.3%, ▼68%), with names such as Benjaman becoming less fashionable. Roman (#85) is the most trendy baby name in this list, while Oman (TOP 6%) and Homan (2%) are familiar -man surnames.
Altman - Denman
Altman, var. Elterman, Eltman, Alterman
Based on Old German language. "Old man." Altan is a marginally prominent birth name.
Var. of Amin. Stems fr. Arabic language. "Honest, faithful, trustworthy." Popular as last name. Compare Aman (UPPER 6%) and common -man surnames Ansman (UPPER 81%), Assman (85%). See also Ayman.
Derivative of Spanish, Russian words. .. It is also a common Armenian .. A familiar boys' name (#1577 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Arman also occurs often as a last name.
Form of Armand. From French, Old German languages. "Soldier." Arman became less trendy in 2018, dropping -15 positions as a boys' name to reach #1577. See also Aman.
Form of Armin. Based on Old German element. "Soldier." Arman is commonly used as a baby name compared to other versions. See also Arran.
From Arabic. "Lucky, fortunate." A conventional boys' name. See also Aymon.
Var. of Banner. Root fr. Old French. "Flag; ensign bearer." Not in popularity charts.
Beaman, var. Beeman
Source fr. Old English. "Beekeeper." Bearman (TOP 20%), Beavan (54%) are common last names.
Benjiman▼, Benjaman▼
Var. of Benjamin. Stems fr. Hebrew word. "Son of the right hand." Less common today. Benjiman was the form last found (1991) in the Top 2000.
Form of Blake. Origin fr. Old English language. "Black; pale, white." Outside Top 2000.
Var. of Brick. Derived fr. English element. The name has been used as .. Not in popularity charts.
Derivative of Anglo Welsh word. "Battle." Cadman is unusual as a baby name. See also Cadmar.
Karman, Carman
Var. of Carmine. Derived fr. Latin. "Song." Carman (UPPER 2%) and Karman (23%) exist often as surnames.
Source fr. Old English. "Peddler, trader." Chapman is an intermittently used given name, occurring often (TOP 1%) as a surname.
Variant of Colman .. Common, with usage of 0.011% for Coleman as a boys' name in 2018, but lower than 0.013% the year before.
Colman, var. Kalman, Coleman2
Based on Irish element. Anglicized form of the Gaelic name .. Usage of Colman and variants as birth names in 2018 was down 24% compared to a decade ago.
Form of Damon. Based on Greek element. "One who tames, subdues." Deman and Diman are creative variations. See also Eaman.
Dayman, Daman2
Forms of Damian. Derived fr. Greek. .. The Belgian priest Father Damien is .. Daman and Dayman are not Top 2000 names.
Var. of Delmon. From English language. "Of the mountain." Uncommon, with the androgynous-sounding -an suffix for Delman, like Darian. See also Delmar.
Derived fr. Old English word. "Man who lives in the valley." Denman, like the similar Donnan, exists more usually as a surname.
Quick Reference
Summary Index of names [and variants] for -man names for boys.
1. Altman - DenmanAltman [Eltman, Elterman, ..], Amin [Aman], Arman, Armand [Arman], Armin [Arman], Ayman, Banner [Bannerman], Beaman [Beeman], Benjamin [Benjiman▼, Benjaman▼], Blake [Blakeman], Brick [Brickman], Cadman, Carmine [Karman, Carman], Chapman, Coleman, Colman [Kalman, Coleman], Damon [Daman], Damian [Daman, Dayman], Delmon [Delman], Denman
Eamon [Eaman], Eastman, Elman, Emmanuel [Man, Eman], Ermin [Erman], Freeman▼ [Freman, Friedman, ..], Furman [Fuhrman], Garman [Garrman], Germain [German], Gilman [Gillman], Golding [Goldman], Goodman [Guttman], Gorman, Hackman, Harman, Hartman, Heimdall [Heiman], Aimon [Heman], Herman▼ [Harman], Hoffman [Hofman]
Holman, Chaim [Hyman▼], Hyman▼, Immanuel [Iman], Inman [Innman], Jack [Jackman], Jarman [Jerman], Kaufman, Kingman, Lachman, Lakshman, Lehman, Lindeman, Loman, Lowman, Naaman, Nachman, Naman, Newman [Neuman], Norman▼
Orman, Osman, Othman, Parker [Parkman], Ramon [Rayman], Redman, Rodman, Roman▲, Salman, Seaman, Selig [Seligman], Sherman▼ [Shearman, Scherman], Silverman [Silberman], Solomon [Soloman, Solaman], Steadman [Stedman], Stillman, Sulayman [Suleyman, Suleiman, ..], Suman, Taz [Tazman, Tasman], Tedmund [Tedman]
Temani [Teman], Thormond [Thurman▼], Thurman▼, Till [Tillman▼], Tillman▼ [Tilman, Tilghman], Truman▼ [Trueman], Tucker [Tuckerman], Wakeman, Weissman, Whitman, Wyman, Yeoman [Youman], Zalman [Salman], Zelig [Zeligman]