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Boy Names Ending with -ney
Ney ending baby names and what they mean, with 59 results. Usage of these boy names reached its most widespread in the 1960s (ADOPTION OF 0.5%) and is now significantly lower, with names like Sydney becoming less stylish. Haney (TOP 1%) and Raney (3%) are common -ney surnames. Here is the list of -ney names for girls.
Adney - Claney
Origin fr. Old English element. "The noble's island." Adney (cf. Ankney, Addley) is a common -ey suffix surname. See also Addem.
Form of Anfernee. .. His name may be a phonetic .. Anferney is rare as a male name.
Toney, Antoney, Anthoney
Var. of Anthony. Derivative of Latin. English form of the old Roman .. Anthoney and Toney are more familiar as children's names among the forms of Anthony.
Var. of Arne. Stems fr. Old Norse language. "Eagle." Arney is not a Top 2000 name. See also Arno.
Form of Arnold. Stems fr. Old French, Old German. "Eagle ruler." Arney was not a Top birth name in 2018. See also Arnet.
Var. of Barnabas. Derivative of Greek, Aramaic languages. "Son of consolation." A moderately offbeat baby name, Barney exists more frequently as a surname. See also Burney.
Form of Barnett. Based on Old English language. "Burned clearing." A somewhat quaint baby name, Barney is found more often as a surname. See also Barrey.
Origin fr. English word. .. Modern use likely refers to the .. Barney is recognizable (TOP 58%) as a masculine name, and is found often (TOP 1%) as a surname. See also Barrey.
Form of Bernard. Origin fr. Old French, Old German words. "Strong, brave bear." Barney is popular as a birth name among the versions of Bernard. See also Birny.
Birney, var. Burney1
Origin fr. Old English word. "Island with the brook." Burney is familiar as a birth name compared to Birney.
From Old English language. "Dark island; white island." Blakeney is rare as a boys' name.
Var. of Blain. Derived fr. Gaelic element. "Yellow." Compare last names Blamey (UPPER 61%), Blasey (77%).
Var. of Bradley. From Old English. "Broad meadow." Bradney was not among 2018's Top names. See also Bradey.
Burney2, var. Beirney
Derivative of Old English element. "Island of the brook." Less widespread today. Burney was the version last found (the 1940s) in the Top 2000.
Var. of Burns. Derived fr. Middle English language. "Brook." A moderately offbeat baby name, Burney exists more conventionally as a surname. See also Barny.
Carney, var. Kearney
Stems fr. Irish, Gaelic. "The winner." Carney and Kearney are unique as boys' names.
Chaney1, var. Cheney1, Chalney
Source fr. French element. "Oak tree." Chaney (TOP 1%) and Cheney (2%) appear regularly as surnames.
Cheney2, Chaney2
Var. of Cheyne. Derivative of French language. "Oak-hearted." Not in popularity charts.
Chesney, var. Cheney3
Derivative of Old English word. Place name referring to a camp. Cheney and Chesney are unusual as men's names.
Var. of Clancy. Stems fr. Irish, Gaelic element. "Son of Flannchadh." Claley and Claon are creative forms. See also Clarey.
Quick Reference
Summary Index of names [and variants] for -ney names for boys.
1. Adney - ClaneyAdney, Anfernee [Anferney], Anthony [Toney, Antoney, Anthoney], Arne [Arney], Arnold [Arney], Barnabas [Barney▼], Barnett [Barney▼], Barney▼, Bernard [Barney▼], Birney [Burney], Blakeney, Blain [Blaney], Bradley [Bradney], Burney [Beirney], Burns [Burney], Carney [Kearney], Chaney [Cheney, Chalney], Cheyne [Cheney, Chaney], Chesney [Cheney], Clancy [Claney]
Coney, Cornelius [Corney], Cornell [Corney], Cort [Courtney▼], Courtney▼ [Cortney], Cydney, Dabney, Delaney [Delainey], Dennis [Denney], Denby [Denney], Fortney [Fourtney, Forteney], Giovanni [Jovanney, Geovanney], Gian [Gianney], Hewney [Owney], Hockney, John [Jovanney], Kearn [Kearney], Kearney [Karney], Ken [Kenney], Kenny [Kinney, Kenney]
Pitney [Pittney], Rodney▼, Romney, Rooney [Rowney], Shawnee [Shawney], Sidney▼ [Sydney▼], Sivney, Stepney, Stoney, Sunny [Sunney], Sweeney, Sydney▼, Tanner [Tanney], Tiernan [Tierney, Tiarney], Tony [Toney], Vernon [Verney], Volney, Whitney, Yovanny [Yovanney]