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Boy Names Ending with -rick
Rick ending baby names and what they mean, with 60 results. -rick names are used more often as masculine names. These boy names reached the height of their popularity 5 decades ago (ADOPTION OF 1.2%) and are somewhat less conventional today (ADOPTION 0.6%, ▼46%), with names such as Fredrick becoming somewhat dated. Maverick (#73), Merrick (#817) and Kendrick (#418) are three of the more trendy names for newborns here, while Petrick (TOP 7%) and Ferrick (17%) are familiar -rick surnames.
Adalrick - Dedrick
Adelrick, Adalrick
Var. of Adalric. Origin fr. Old German language. "Noble, regal ruler." Rare, but Adalrick, Adelrick are comparable to popular -rick surnames Arick (UPPER 42%), Arrick (29%).
Rick1▼, Errick1, Erick, Arrick1, Aerrick, Aerick
Forms of Eric. Derivative of Old Norse word. "Complete ruler." Usage of Erick and variants was widespread among parents during 1950-1959 and has become reduced.
Ulrick, Alrick1, Allerick, Allarick, Alerick, Alarick
Forms of Alaric. From Old German language. "Noble, regal ruler." Not in popularity charts.
Form of Aubrey. Root fr. Old German element. "Elf or magical being, power." Alberick is unusual as a boys' name. See also Alerick.
Var. of Aldrich. Derived fr. Old English element. "Old." Outside Top 2000. See also Aerick.
Form of Andrik. Origin fr. Slavic, Greek languages. "Man, warrior." Audrick is a marginally favored baby name. See also Andrian.
Errick2, Arrick2, Arick
Forms of Aric. From Old Norse. "Complete ruler." Arick, Arrick and Errick are barely found as masculine names.
Form of Baldric. Origin fr. Old German word. "Brave ruler." Rare, with the masculine-sounding -ck suffix for Baldrick, like Bendick.
Derived fr. Teutonic word. "Axe-ruler." Compare surnames Baldrick (TOP 79%), Barrick (4%).
Var. of Barric. Origin fr. English. "Grain farm." Barrick is an uncommonly used men's name, registering regularly (UPPER 4%) as a surname.
From English element. The name has been used as .. Birick and Bourck are creative forms. See also Frick.
Broderick, var. Rick2▼, Brodrick
.. Also possibly (Old German) "famous power". Rick has waned in favor as a boys' name circa 1950-1959.
Root fr. Irish. "Rock." Carrick, like the similar Barrick, occurs more often as a last name. See also Warrick.
Sedrick, Rick3▼, Cedrick
Forms of Cedric. Root fr. Old English. "Kind and loved." Rick is in the Top 2000.
Form of Chad. Source fr. Old English word. .. Also a short form of various .. Chadrick is scantly used as a given name. See also Shadrick.
Var. of Corey. Stems fr. Old Norse word. From an English surname derived from .. Corrick is not frequently used as a boys' name. See also Carrick.
Derrick▼, Derick▼, Darrick1▼
Var. of Derek. Source fr. English, Old German words. "People's ruler." Usage of Darrick and variants as baby names in 2018 was down 42.2% compared to the previous decade.
Darrick2▼, var. Darick
Origin fr. American language. Variant of spelling of Derrick, from .. Used somewhat frequently as children's names, Darrick and Darick are similar to the conventional Derick.
Dedrick1, var. Diedrick, Diederick1
Source fr. Danish, Old German. "People's ruler." Dedrick (TOP 8%) and Diedrick (20%) appear regularly as surnames.
Diederick2, Dedrick2
Forms of Dietrich. Root fr. Old German language. "People's ruler." Dedrick and Diederick are sparsely used masculine names, and Dedrick exists regularly (TOP 8%) as a surname.
Quick Reference
Summary Index of names [and variants] for -rick names for boys.
1. Adalrick - DedrickAdalric [Adelrick, Adalrick], Eric [Rick▼, Erick, Errick, Arrick, Aerick, Aerrick], Alaric [Ulrick, Alrick, Alerick, Alarick, Allerick, Allarick], Aubrey [Alberick], Aldrich [Alrick], Andrik [Andrick], Aric [Arick, Errick, Arrick], Baldric [Baldrick], Bardrick, Barric [Barrick], Brick, Broderick [Rick▼, Brodrick], Carrick, Cedric [Rick▼, Sedrick, Cedrick], Chad [Chadrick], Corey [Corrick], Derek [Derick▼, Derrick▼, Darrick▼], Darrick▼ [Darick], Dedrick [Diedrick, Diederick], Dietrich [Dedrick, Diederick]
Delroy [Delrick], Theodoric [Rick▼, Derrick▼, Thedrick], Dirk [Dierick], Edric [Edrick, Ederick, Eddrick], Eldridge [Eldrick], Fitzpatrick, Frederick▼ [Rick▼, Erick, Fridrick, Fredrick▼, Friedrick], Frick, Garrick▼, Godric [Godrick, Goodrick, Goderick], Henry [Hendrick, Heinrick, Heindrick], Hendrick, Harold [Herrick], Herrick, Jedrek [Jedrick], Jerrick [Jerick], John [Johnpatrick], Kade [Kadrick], Kedrick [Keddrick], Kendrick▲ [Kenrick]
Kerrick, Maverick▲ [Mavrick], Meldrick [Melderick], Merrick▲ [Myrick, Meyrick], Orrick, Osric [Osrick], Patrick▼, Richard [Rick▼], Rick▼, Ulric [Rick▼, Ulrick], Roderick▼ [Rorick, Rodrick▼, Roddrick, Brodrick, Rodderick, Rhoderick, ..], Sean [Seanpatrick], Shadrach [Shadrick], Tariq [Tarick], Ted [Tedrick], Varick [Warick, Warrick, Varrick], Warwick [Warick, Warrick], George [Yorick], Yorick, York [Yorick, Yorrick]