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Boy Names Ending with -ster

Ster ending baby names and what they mean, with 31 results. -ster names are used more often as masculine names. Adoption of these boy names was at its highest in the 1910s (ADOPTION OF 0.8%) and is now much less, with names like Chester becoming somewhat outmoded. Meister (TOP 3%) and Kaster (10%) are conventional -ster last names.

-ster names

Alaster - Lester | Macallister - Wister

Alaster - Lester

Alexander and variants

Allister1, Alister1, Alaster1
Var. of Alexander. Root fr. Greek element. "Man's defender, warrior." Alisher is also a slightly favored baby name.

Alyster, Allyster, Allister2, Allaster1, Alister2, Alester, Aleister1, Alaster2, Alaister
Forms of Alastair. Derivative of Scottish, Greek languages. "Man's defender." Popular. Compare Alaster, Alister, etc. with common -er surnames Aslinger (UPPER 30%), Allhiser (95%).

Allister3, Alister3, Aleister2
Forms of Alistair. Derived fr. Greek element. "Man's defender." Adoption of Aleister, Alister, etc. as boys' names in 2018 was 13.3% less than a year ago.

Derivative of Scottish, Greek words. "Man's defender." Unique, with the -ter ending, like Alister, Alyster. See also Alester.

Derivative of Middle English element. "Brewer." Brewster is seldom used as a birth name.

From Old English element. "Monastery where deer dwell." Outside Top 2000.


Origin fr. English word. .. Nickname made famous by silent film .. Buster has faded in popularity as a birth name since 1900-1909. See also Baxter.

Form of Castor. Stems fr. Greek. "Beaver." Not in popularity charts. See also Casper.


Source fr. Old English, Latin elements. "Camp of soldiers." Usage of Chester as a baby name in 2018 was up 2% compared to a year ago. See also Caster.

Krister, Christer
Forms of Christian. Stems fr. Latin element. "Follower of Christ." Christer and Krister are not in the Top 2000.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of -ster names: Alister, Buster, Chester, Foster, Lester, Vester

Source fr. Old English language. "Peddler." Coster, like the similar-sounding Caster, occurs more usually as a surname. See also Colter.

From Old English element. "One who judges." Dempster was not among 2018's Top names.

Fester and variants

Fester, var. Vester
Stems fr. German word. "Of the woods." Vester (TOP 11%) and Fester (21%) are found commonly as last names.

Forest and variants

Foster1, Forster, Forrester, Forester
Forms of Forest. Origin fr. Old French element. "Forest." Foster is widely used as a birth name among the forms of Forest.

Derivative of Old English word. "Foster parent; forester; shearer; saddle-tree maker." Foster has trended downward in favor as a baby name since 1890-1899. See also Fester.

Form of Hollis. Stems fr. Old English language. "The holly tree." Not Top 2000 name.

Form of Christopher. Based on Greek word. "Bearing Christ." Kester, like the similar Nester, exists more often as a surname. See also Fester.

Root fr. Gaelic, Greek. "Bearing Christ." Kester is unique as a children's name. See also Kastor.

Lancaster, var. Lankester, Lanchester, Lancester
Origin fr. Old English language. "Fort on the Lune river." Not in Top 2000.

Lester and variants

Lester, var. Leicester
Stems fr. Old English element. "From Leicester." Lester is common as a birth name compared to Leicester.

Quick Reference

Summary Index of names [and variants] for -ster names for boys.

1. Alaster - Lester
Alexander [Alaster, Alister, Allister], Alastair [Alyster, Alister, Alester, Allyster, Allister, Allaster, Aleister, Alaister, ..], Alistair [Alister, Allister, Aleister], Allaster, Brewster, Buckminister, Buster, Castor [Caster], Chester, Christian [Krister, Christer], Coster, Dempster, Fester [Vester], Forest [Foster, Forster, Forester, Forrester], Foster, Hollis [Hollister], Christopher [Kester], Kester, Lancaster [Lankester, Lancester, Lanchester], Lester [Leicester]

Macallister [Mcalister, Mcallister, Macalister], Manchester, Minster, Nestor [Nester], Rochester [Chester], Silvester [Sylvester], Sylvester [Silvester], Vester [Fester], Webb [Webster], Webster [Webbster], Wistar [Wister]

Usage comparison for -ster names
