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♀ Addalla
What does Addalla mean?
Addalla as a name for girls is an Old German name, and the meaning of the name Addalla is "noble kind". Addalla is an alternate spelling of Adelaide (Old German): from adal heid.
VARIANTS Adella▼, Adelia▼, Adelei, Adelais, Adela, Addala
RELATIONS VIA ADELAIDE Adalena, Adalin, Adalyn▲, Adell▼, Adelle▼
Addalla Estelle (A.E.), ..
How popular is Addalla?
Addalla is a rare given name for women. Addalla is a rare last name too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Popular variation forms of Addalla (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) are Adalyn (#144 IN 2018), Adela (#1229), Adelaide (#298), Adelia, Adell, Adella and Adelle. These relations of Addalla were popular in the year 2015 (AVERAGE #1361) and are almost as common today (#1381, ▼12%), but with forms like Adelle becoming less trendy. Adalyn and Adelaide are two of the more fashionable names for newborns here. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Addalla is alike in pronunciation to Adala, Adalee▲, Adali, Adalia, Adalie, Adalley, Addula, Adellah, Adeola, Adiella, Adila, Adola, Ahdella, Audelia, Idalia, Idella▼, Odella, Udella and Yudella. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Aalya, Abella, Accalia, Adal, Adalina, Adaliz, Adallina, Adamma, Adana, Adanna, Adawna, Adda▼, Addal (see Adalia), Addilyn▲, Adelma, Adolfa, Aedelle, Agnella (see Agnes), Agnolla (see Agnola), Aidana, Alala, Aldabella, Aldana, Aldara, Alla, Amahla, Amala, Amalea, Amalia▲, Amalya, Angella, Arbella, Arcilla, Ardell, Ardella, Ardelle, Ariella▲, Arnalda, Atalia, Athalia, Auralia, Aviella, Axella, Ayala, Azalea▲, Azalia, Dalla, Damalla, Galla, Kalla, Lalla, Madella, Migdalla (see Migdalia), Nualla, Olalla and Pamalla. These names tend to be more commonly used than Addalla.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]