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What does Adey mean?
Adey as a girls' name is an Old German name, and the meaning of the name Adey is "noble". Adey is an alternate spelling of Ada (Old German): a nickname of Adele and Adelaide.
VARIANTS Aidah, Aida, Ady, Ado, Adie, Adiah, Adia, Adi, Addy, Addie▼, Addiah, Addi, Addey, Adda▼
RELATED FORMS VIA ADA, ADELAIDE Adalyn▲, Adan, Adde, Ade, Adel, Adela, Adele▼, Adelei, Adelia▼, Adelis, Adell▼, Adella▼, Adelle▼, Adelyn▲, Adelynn▲, Aide, Del, Lady, Laidey
Adey Corinne (A.C.), ..
How popular is Adey?
Adey is an uncommonly occurring first name for women but a very prominent surname for both adults and children (#52935 out of 150436, Top 35%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Prominent variation forms of Adey (UNLISTED) listed in the Top 2000 are Adalyn (#144 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Adelyn (#226), Ada (#251), Adelaide (#298), Adelynn (#316), Adele (#898), Adela (#1229), Addie (#1253), Aida (#1302), Aide, Adia, Adell, Adelle, Adella, Adelia, Adel, Adda and Lady. These forms of Adey were popular as birth names a century ago (MEDIAN #1037) and have become significantly less conventional since (#1328, DOWN 60%). Ada has historically been a favorite of parents, though Adalyn is now more frequently used, while forms like Adda are now somewhat dated. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Adey is alike in pronunciation to Adah▼, Aeeda, Aidee, Auda, Audi, Audie▼, Ayda, Eda▼, Edda, Eddi, Eddy, Edee, Edi, Edie, Edy, Ida▼, Oda and Uda. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Abbey▼, Adal, Adeen, Aden, Adena, Adene, Adley▲, Adra, Adrea, Aggy, Agy, Aiden, Ailey, Aimey, Aimy, Alby, Aldea, Alex, Aley, Alfy (see Alfreda), Alley, Ally▼, Alvy, Ame, Amee, Amey, Amy▼, Ande, Andee, Andy, Anet, Anny, Ardea, Arden▲, Arely, Aren, Arley, Ase, Aude, Audrey▲, Audry, Ave, Aven, Avery▲, Cadey, Codey, Dodey, Evey, Fey, Ivey, Jey, Jodey, Joey, Judey, Kodey, Ladey and Rey. These names tend to be more frequently used than Adey.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]