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♀ Adoray
What does Adoray mean?
Adoray as a girls' name has the meaning "a gift; beloved; adored". Adoray is an alternate form of Adora (Greek, Old German, Latin).
VARIANTS Adoria, Adoree, Adorae
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA ADORA Adore, Adorlee, Dora▼, Dorae, Dorry, Dory
Adoray Natalie (A.N.), ..
How popular is Adoray?
Adoray is an unusual first name for women. Adoray is an equivalently uncommon last name too for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
The only popular varying form of Adoray (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) ranked in the Top 2000 is Dora. Adoption of this relation of Adoray was more pronounced among parents in the 1880s (USAGE OF 0.56%), but now, Dora has become less trendy. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Adoray is alike in pronunciation to Adara, Adeera, Adira, Edira and Eudora. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Abra, Abrah, Ada▼, Adah▼, Adal, Adala, Adana, Adare, Addal (see Adalia), Adela, Adena, Adeola, Adiah, Adiba, Adibah, Adima, Adinah, Adiva, Adola, Adolfa, Adonia, Adra, Adrah, Adrea, Adria, Adriah, Adrian▼, Adrie, Ady, Aeran, Agota, Akira, Aldara, Aldora, Aloha, Aloma, Alona, Amera, Amira▲, Amor, Amora▲, Amorra, Amyrah, Annora, Anona, Anora, Anorah, Ardra, Arly▼, Arona, Ashlay, Ashra, Astra, Atara, Atera, Aubrey▲, Aubry, Audra▼, Audrey▲, Audry, Aura, Aural, Aurora▲, Avery▲, Azora, Dorsay, Jonay, Laray, Sharay and Sheray. These names tend to be more frequently used than Adoray.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]