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♀ Adreea
What does Adreea mean?
Adreea as a girls' name is of Latin derivation, and the meaning of Adreea is "from Hadria". Adreea is an alternate form of Adrienne (Latin): French feminine respelling of Adrian.
VARIANTS Adrie, Adriah, Adria, Adrea, Adra
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA ADRIENNE Adreanna, Adrian▼, Adriana, Adrien, Adriena, Adrienah, Adriene, Adrienna, Adrina
Adreea Nya (A.N.), ..
How popular is Adreea?
Adreea is an uncommon given name for women. Adreea is also a unique surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Adra, Adreanna, Adria, Adrian, Adriana (#240 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Adriene and Adrienne (#922) are the prominent varying forms of Adreea (OUTSIDE TOP 2000). Usage of these relations of Adreea was more pronounced in the year 1997 (ADOPTION OF 0.2%) and is now significantly less (ADOPTION 0.1%, ▼52.5%). (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Adreea is pronounced similarly to Adrah, Audra▼, Audrea, Audree, Audrey▲, Audria, Audrie, Audrye, Edra and Idra. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Abree, Adara, Adare, Adeeba, Adeen, Adeena, Adeera, Adeeva, Adela, Adena, Adira, Adora, Adorae, Adore, Adoree, Adoria, Aireen, Airlea, Aleea, Andrea▼, Andree, Andreena, Andrena, Andresa, Andreya, Ardea, Arela, Arena, Areta, Arlea, Atera, Audreen, Aurea, Breea and Ondreea. These names tend to be more frequently used than Adreea.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]