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♀ Agnah
What does Agnah mean?
Agnah as a girls' name is of Greek derivation, and the name Agnah means "pure, holy". Agnah is an alternate form of Agnes (Greek).
RELATIONS VIA AGNES Ag, Agafi, Aggi, Aggie, Aggy, Aggye, Agi, Agie, Agna, Agneis, Agnellah, Agnese, Agness, Agneta, Agnethe, Agnettah, Agnola, Agnolah, Agnus, Agot, Agota, Agote, Agoti, Agy, Agye, Ainah, Anais▲, Anis, Annais, Annis, Annisah, Ina▼, Inah, Oona, Oonagh, Oonah, Una▼, Unah
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Aynah, ..
(male) Agan, ..
Agnah Allison (A.A.), ..
How popular is Agnah?
Agnah is an uncommon given name for females. Agnah is a rare last name too for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Popular related forms of Agnah (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) appearing in the Top 2000 are Aggie, Agnes (#1204 VIA LATEST LIST), Agness, Anais (#848), Anis, Annis, Ina, Oona and Una. Other forms, like Unah, are uncommon. These relations of Agnah were popular with parents in the 1890s (USAGE OF 0.8%) and are now significantly less common. Anais has been the most popular choice, while versions such as Ina have become less popular. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Abiah, Abrah, Adah▼, Adiah, Adinah, Adrah, Aidah, Aina, Alah, Alanah, Aleah▲, Alenah, Aliah▲, Almah, Alvah, Alynah, Amiah, Aminah▲, Amynah, Ana, Anahi, Anat, Anath, Anh, Anna▼, Annah, Ardah, Ariah▲, Arna, Ashah, Asiah, Asyah, Avah▲, Aviah, Binah, Danah, Denah, Dinah▼, Dynah, Ednah, Ganah, Hanah, Janah, Lanah, Lenah, Linah, Lynah, Monah, Nonah, Rinah, Tinah and Yonah. These names tend to be more commonly used than Agnah.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]