Home > Agneis


What does Agneis mean?

Agneis Pronunciation of Agneis as a name for girls is of Greek derivation, and the meaning of Agneis is "pure, holy". Agneis is an alternate form of Agnes (Greek).


ASSOCIATED WITH greek, pure (virgin)


VARIANTS Agnus, Agnesse, Agness, Agnese

RELATIONS VIA AGNES Agafi, Agafia, Aggi, Aggie, Agi, Agie, Agna, Agnah, Agnella, Agnelle, Agnessa, Agneta, Agnethe, Agnetta, Agnie, Agnola, Agoti, Agye, Aigneis, Anais, Anessa, Anis, Anise, Annais, Annest, Annis, Annisa, Annise, Ines, Ynes



Agneis Zyla (A.Z.), ..

How popular is Agneis?

Agneis is an uncommon given name for females. Agneis is also a rare last name for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Which version is better?

Anais (#848 FROM RECENT DATA), Agnes (#1204), Ines (#1678), Aggie, Agness, Anessa, Anis and Annis are the popular varying forms of Agneis (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) appearing in the Top 2000. Adoption of these relations of Agneis reached its apex in the 1890s (ADOPTION OF 0.67%) and has become significantly lower since (ADOPTION 0.04%, DOWN 94%). Anais has been the overall favorite, while Agnes has become less popular. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Aggie, Agnes, Agness, Anais, Anessa in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Anis, Annis, Ines in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Agnes, Ines outside U.S.

Similar Names

Suggested similar-sounding names are Adelis, Aeress, Agacia, Agapi, Agapit, Aglaia, Agueda, Ailis, Aine, Alais, Alanis, Aldis, Alexis, Alis, Alles, Alless, Allis, Amaris, Amneet, Anci, Andi, Andie, Aneese, Anela, Anelie, Anelisa, Anelise, Anet, Aneta, Anett, Angie, Angil, Anisa, Anki, Anne, Anneka, Anneke, Annelie, Annelisa, Annelise, Annemie, Anner, Annes, Annet, Annett, Anngil, Anni, Annie, Annus, Annys, Antia, Ardis, Arnessa, Arnett, Arnit, Artemis, Artis, Audris, Avis, Ayeisa (see Aisha), Candis, Ennis, Genesis, Innis, Janais, Jancis, Janis, Jannis, Jenesis, Jennis, Kandis, Kendis, Lenis, Tanis and Wandis. These names tend to be more frequently used than Agneis.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
