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♀ Aida
What does Aida mean?
Aida as a girls' name is pronounced ah-EE-dah. It is of Arabic origin, and the meaning of Aida is "reward, present". Also possibly from Latin meaning "distinguished; helpful". More likely though a name created for the Ethiopian princess in Giuseppe Verdi's opera Aïda. Also form of Ada.
VARIANTS Aeeda, Aide, Aidee, Ayeeda, Ieeda, Iyeeda
Aida Gianna (A.G.), ..
How popular is Aida?
Aida is a very prominent first name for women (#559 out of 4276, Top 13%) and a slightly less prominent surname for both adults and children (#119644 out of 150436, Top 80%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Aida reached its highest position of #779 in the U.S. during 1960-1969, and is at #1302 presently. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Which version is better?
Ada (#251 THE PREVIOUS YEAR) and Aide are the prominent varying forms of Aida (#1302) appearing in the Top 2000. Adoption of these forms of Aida was widespread among parents 138 years ago (MEDIAN #1049) and is now much less (#1184, 87% LESS USAGE).
Similar Names
Aida is alike in pronunciation to Adah▼, Adda▼, Addey, Addi, Addiah, Addie▼, Addy, Adiah, Adie, Ado, Ady, Aidah, Auda, Audi, Audie▼, Ayda, Eda▼, Edda, Eddi, Eddy, Edy, Ida▼, Oda, Ouida▼ and Uda. Other recommended sound-alike names are Abia, Abida, Abila, Abra, Adal, Adde, Ade, Afia, Afua, Agna, Ahuda, Aidan▼, Aidana, Aila▲, Aili, Aina, Aisha▲, Alda▼, Aldea, Alida▼, Alidah, Aliya, Alva▼, Amada, Amica, Amika, Amira▲, Amita, Anda, Andra, Anima, Anita▼, Aniya, Anna▼, Annda, Anya, Arda, Arika, Arna, Assa, Atha, Aud, Aude, Lida▼, Maida, Olida, Rida, Thida, Vida and Zaida. These names tend to be less commonly used than Aida.