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♀ Aide
What does Aide mean?
Aide as a girls' name has its roots in Old German and Arabic, and the meaning of the name Aide is "noble kind; reward, present". Aide is an alternate form of Adelaide (Old German): from adal heid. Aide is also a variation of Aida (Arabic).
RELATIONS VIA ADELAIDE, AIDA Ada▼, Addey, Addi, Addie▼, Addy, Adel, Adela, Adele▼, Adell▼, Adey, Adi, Ado, Ady, Aeeda, Aidee, Alice▼, Aline▼, Alline, Eline, Elke, Heidi▼, Lady, Laidey
Aide Thalia (A.T.), ..
How popular is Aide?
Aide is a somewhat popular first name for women (#3232 out of 4276, Top 76%) and an even more popular last name for both adults and children (#62775 out of 150436, Top 42%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Aide entered the list in 1996 and reached its highest rank of #1570 in the U.S. then, but is not in the list currently. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Popular alternative forms of Aide are Alice (#71 A YEAR AGO), Ada (#251), Adelaide (#298), Heidi (#351), Adele (#898), Adela (#1229), Addie (#1253), Aida (#1302), Adel, Adell, Aline, Alline and Lady. Other forms, like Aeeda, are uncommon. These forms of Aide were favored as birth names 138 years ago (USAGE OF 2.4%) and have become much less widespread since (USAGE 0.5%, 81% LESS), with forms like Aline going out of style. Adelaide is the most fashionable girl name here.
Similar Names
Aide is pronounced similarly to Ade, Aud, Aude, Ede and Eyde. Other recommended sound-alike names are Abbe, Adda▼, Aden, Adie, Adine, Agie, Aidah, Aiden, Aila▲, Ailbe, Ailee, Ailey, Aili, Ailie, Aime, Aimee▼, Aimie, Aimy, Aina, Aine, Airi, Alda▼, Alida▼, Alidee, Alie, Alise, Aliye, Alize▼, Alle, Aloe, Ame, Amee, Amice, Amye, Anda, Ande, Andee, Andi▲, Andie▲, Andre, Andy, Ange, Anice, Anise, Anne▼, Aoife, Ardea, Arden▲, Arie, Ase, Auda, Audi, Audie▼, Aure, Ave, Avice, Avie, Ayda, Azize, Bride, Cade, Dede, Heide, Hilde, Hinde, Jade▲, Jaide, Kade, Sade▼ and Tilde. These names tend to be less frequently used than Aide.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]