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♀ Aifric
What does Aifric mean?
Aifric as a name for girls is a Celtic name, and the meaning of the name Aifric is "pleasant". Aifric is an alternate form of Africa (Celtic): place name for the continent. See also Effie
RELATIONS VIA AFRICA Affrica, Affricah, Affrika, Africah, Afrika, Aifrica, Aphfrica, Aphria
Aifric Anyla (A.A.), ..
How popular is Aifric?
Aifric is an uncommon first name for women. Aifric is an equally unique last name for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Effie is the only popular alternative form of Aifric (OUTSIDE TOP 2000). This form of Aifric was at the height of its popularity during the years 1880-1889 (#62), but now, Effie has fallen out of fashion. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Abri, Abril, Adoria, Adria, Adrie, Aerica, Aerin, Affra, Afia, Afra, Aili, Ailie, Ailis, Ailli, Aillie, Aillin, Aimie, Aimil, Aipril, Airi, Airica, Airicka, Airika, Airin, Airina, Airlia, Aishia, Aisia, Aislin, Alarica, Alarice, Alfi, Alfie, Alfre, Alfri (see Alfreda), Alfrida, Alfried (see Alfreda), Allfrie, Amari▲, Amaris▲, Amarit, America▼, Andri, Andria▼, April▼, Ari▲, Aria▲, Arica, Arie, Arin, Arria, Arrie▼, Artrice, Astri, Astria, Astrid▲, Aubri, Aubrie, Audri, Audria, Audrie, Audris, Auria, Avaril, Averi▲, Averie▲, Averil, Avrie, Avril, Azaria▲ and Lyric▲. These names tend to be more frequently used than Aifric.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]