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What does Ailey mean?
Ailey as a name for girls is a Norman name. Ailey is an alternate form of Aileen (Norman): Scottish variation of Eileen.
VARIANTS Ailli, Ailie, Ailee, Aila▲
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA AILEEN Aileene, Ailene, Aillin, Ailyn, Aleen, Alene▼, Aline▼, Alleen, Allene▼, Eileen▼
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Aliley, ..
(male) Aiel, ..
Ailey Giulia (A.G.), ..
How popular is Ailey?
Ailey is a rare given name for females but a very popular last name for both adults and children (#44350 out of 150436, Top 29%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Popular variation forms of Ailey (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) are Aila (#1148 VIA LATEST LIST), Aileen (#669), Aileene, Ailene, Ailyn (#1520), Aleen, Alene, Aline, Alleen, Allene and Eileen (#671). Other forms, like Ailie, are uncommon. Adoption of these relations of Ailey was more pronounced among parents 98 years ago (MEDIAN #1047) and is now significantly less (#1637, ▼80%), with versions such as Eileen becoming less fashionable. Aila is the most trendy girl name in this list. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Ailey is pronounced similarly to Aaliya, Ailee, Aillie, Ala, Alah, Alaya▲, Aleah▲, Aleea, Ali▼, Alia▲, Aliya, Aliye, Alla, Alley, Alli▼, Allie, Ally▼, Aloe, Alya, Eilah, Eiley, Ellee, Wally, Willa▲ and Willy. Other recommended sound-alike names are Adey, Adley▲, Aemiley, Aide, Aiden, Aileen, Ailene, Ailis, Ailsa, Ailse, Ailyn, Aime, Aimee▼, Aimey, Aine, Ainsley▲, Airlea, Alby, Alex, Alfy (see Alfreda), Alle, Alles, Allfy, Alvy, Amey, Arlea, Arlee, Arlen, Arlet, Arley, Arly▼, Ashley▼, Billey, Briley, Cailey▼, Caley, Coley, Haley▼, Juley, Kaley▼, Kiley▼, Kyley, Lilley, Railey, Raley, Riley▲, Ripley▲, Ryley, Sisley and Tilley. These names tend to be more commonly used than Ailey.