Home > Aillie


What does Aillie mean?

Aillie Pronunciation of Aillie as a name for girls has its root in Old German, and the name Aillie means "noble, exalted". Aillie is a version of Alice (Old German).


ASSOCIATED WITH noble, exalted


VARIANTS Ellie, Elli, Ally, Allie, Alli, Alla, Alie, Ali, Alais, Ala, Ailie

OTHER FORMS VIA ALICE Adelice, Alis, Alise, Aliz, Alles, Allice, Allicea, Allis, Alliss, Allyce, Allys, Allyse, Alyce, Alyse



Aillie Hayleigh (A.H.), ..

How popular is Aillie?

Aillie is an unusual first name for females. Aillie is an equally uncommon surname for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Which version is better?

Prominent alternative forms of Aillie (NOT RANKED) ranked in the Top 2000 are Ellie (#37 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Alice (#71), Allie (#350), Ally (#1274), Ali (#1841), Ala, Alise, Alla, Alli, Allice, Alyce, Alyse and Elli. Other forms, like Alles, are uncommon. Adoption of these forms of Aillie reached its highest during the years 1880-1889 (AVERAGE #1374) and has become much diminished since (#1505, 59%), with forms like Ally falling out of fashion. Alice is more familiar than the rest, though Ellie has become popular as well. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Ala, Ali, Alice, Alise, Alla in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Alli, Allice, Allie, Ally, Alyce in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Alyse, Elli, Ellie in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Alice, Ellie outside U.S.

Similar Names

Aillie is alike in pronunciation to Aila, Ailee, Ailey, Aili, Ailli, Alaia, Alia, Aliye, Alley, Allia, Alliah, Aloe, Ellee, Ellia, Illia, Ollie, Ulli, Wallie, Willa, Willie, Willow, Willy, Yolie and Yollie. Other recommended sound-alike names are Adalie, Ailene, Ailis, Ainslie, Airlia, Alle, Allfie, Alvie, Amalie, Amillia, Anslie, Arelie, Arlie, Ashlie, Baillie, Billie, Billye, Callie, Cellie, Dilli, Dollie, Emillie, Fillis, Haillie, Hallie, Hildie, Hille, Hillie, Hollie, Jullie, Kallie, Kellie, Lallie, Lillie, Lollie, Maillie, Mallie, Mille, Millee, Milli, Millie, Milzie, Mollie, Nellie, Pollie, Sallie, Silkie, Sillia, Silvie, Tildie and Tillie. These names tend to be more frequently used than Aillie.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
