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♀ Alanah
What does Alanah mean?
Alanah as a girls' name means "precious; awakening". Alanah is an alternate spelling of Alana (Old German, Hawaiian).
VARIANTS Alonna, Alona, Allinah, Alleynah, Allana, Aleynah, Aleyna, Alawna, Alannah▲, Alanna▲, Alani▲, Alaina▲
RELATIONS VIA ALANA Alaine, Alane, Alanis▼, Alayne, Alene▼, Allena, Allina, Allyna, Lana▲, Lanah, Lannah
Alanah Melanie (A.M.), ..
How popular is Alanah?
Alanah is an unusual first name for females. Alanah is also an uncommon last name for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Alanah entered the list in 2001 and reached its highest rank of #1132 in the U.S. in 2012, and is at #1775 presently. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Which version is better?
Alaina (#202 LAST YEAR), Alana (#200), Alane, Alani (#347), Alanis, Alanna (#552), Alannah (#869), Alene, Aleyna (#1631), Allana, Allena, Alona, Alonna and Lana (#360) are the popular related forms of Alanah (#1775) ranked in the Top 2000. Other variants, like Alawna, are seldom used. Usage of these forms of Alanah was well-received among parents in 2015 (USAGE OF 0.36%) and has remained as conventional to this day (USAGE 0.35%, ▼1.8%), but with versions like Alanis becoming less fashionable. The trendier birth names among these are Alaina, Alana, Alani, Alanna, Alannah and Lana.
Similar Names
Alanah is alike in pronunciation to Alayna▲, Alaynna, Aleena▲, Alenah, Alina▲, Allona, Allynah, Alonia, Alwyna, Alynah, Elana, Elanah, Elanie, Elayna▲, Eleana, Elena▲, Eliana▲, Elona, Elyana, Ilana, Iolana, Oleana, Olena, Olina and Ulani. Other recommended sound-alike names are Adinah, Agnah, Ainah, Alah, Alaia▲, Alala, Alamea, Alanza, Alayah▲, Aldana, Aleah▲, Alenne, Aliah▲, Alicah, Alidah, Alikah, Alima, Aline▼, Alisah, Aliyah▲, Alizah, Alliah, Alma▼, Almah, Aloma, Alvah, Alydah, Alyne, Alynne, Amana, Amandah, Aminah▲, Amynah, Annah, Aravah, Arlana, Avana, Ayana▲, Blanch▼, Chanah, Danah, Elkanah, Flana, Flanagh (see Flana), Hanah, Ioanah (see Ioanna), Janah, Leanah, Shanah and Yoanah. These names tend to be more commonly used than Alanah.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]