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What does Alane mean?
Alane as a name for girls is of Old German origin, and the name Alane means "precious; awakening". Alane is a version of Alaine (Old German): French feminine variant spelling of Alain. Alane is also a derivative of Alana (Old German, Hawaiian).
VARIANTS Allyn, Alline, Alleyne, Allene▼, Alleine, Alleen, Allayne, Allaine, Aleyne, Alenne, Alene▼, Aleine, Alayne
RELATED FORMS VIA ALAINE, ALANA Alaina▲, Alanah, Alani▲, Alanis▼, Alanna▲, Alannah▲, Alawna, Alayna▲, Alaynna, Aleyna, Alie, Allana, Allena, Allina, Allyna, Alona, Alonna, Lana▲
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Agane, ..
(male) Alaad, ..
Alane Rachel (A.R.), ..
How popular is Alane?
Alane is a somewhat prominent first name for females (#3753 out of 4276, Top 88%) but an unusual last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Alane was first listed in 1950-1959 and reached its apex position of #1386 in the U.S. in the 1960s, but is not found in the list currently. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Which version is better?
Popular varying forms of Alane rated in the Top 2000 are Alaina (#202 VIA LATEST LIST), Alana (#200), Alanah (#1775), Alani (#347), Alanis, Alanna (#552), Alannah (#869), Alayna (#236), Alene, Aleyna (#1631), Allana, Alleen, Allena, Allene, Alline, Allyn, Alona, Alonna and Lana (#360). These forms of Alane were favored by parents in 2015 (ADOPTION OF 0.44%) and have remained as popular to this day (ADOPTION 0.43%, ▼1.9%), but with forms such as Allene becoming less fashionable. The more fashionable names for newborns in this list are Alaina, Alana, Alani, Alanna, Alannah, Alayna and Lana.
Similar Names
Alane is alike in pronunciation to Aileene, Ailene, Ailyn, Allynne, Alynne, Aylin▲, Elain, Elan, Elayne, Elene, Eliane, Elin, Ellaine, Ellane, Ellayne, Ellene, Elon, Elynn, Ilean, Ileanne, Ileene, Ilene▼, Ilone, Wilone and Yolanne. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Adare, Adene, Adine, Adline, Agace, Agape, Agave, Ailani▲, Aine, Ala, Alah, Alair, Alais, Alamea, Alanice, Albane, Albine, Alcee, Alcine, Aldana, Aldine, Aleana, Alena▲, Alfie, Aliana▲, Alina▲, Alise, Alize▼, Alle, Alvie, Alyna, Amana, Anne▼, Arakne (see Arachne), Ariane, Arjane, Arlan, Arlana, Arline▼, Aryane, Avani, Blane, Blayne, Dane, Diane▼, Dyane, Liane, Luane, Orane and Sloane▲. These names tend to be less frequently used than Alane.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]