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♀ Alanna
What does Alanna mean?
Alanna ▲ as a girls' name is an Old German name, and Alanna means "precious; awakening". Alanna is an alternate spelling of Alana (Old German, Hawaiian). Alanna is also a variation of Allena (Old German): respelling of Alaine. See also Alannah
VARIANTS Alonna, Alona, Allinah, Alleynah, Allana, Aleynah, Aleyna, Alena▲, Alawna, Alannah▲, Alani▲, Alanah, Alaina▲
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA ALANA, ALLENA Alaine, Alane, Alanice, Alanis▼, Alayne, Alene▼, Aleyne, Allene▼, Allina, Allyn, Allyna, Allynn, Allynne, Alynne, Lana▲, Lanna, Lannah, Lanny
Alanna Reece (A.R.), ..
How popular is Alanna?
Alanna is a very prominent first name for females (#1582 out of 4276, Top 37%) but an uncommon last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Alanna entered the list in 1950-1959 and reached its peak rank of #461 in the U.S. in the year 1996, and is currently at #552. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Alaina (#202 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Alana (#200), Alanah (#1775), Alane, Alani (#347), Alanis, Alannah (#869), Alena (#736), Alene, Aleyna (#1631), Allana, Allena, Allene, Allyn, Alona, Alonna, Lana (#360) and Lanna are the popular variation forms of Alanna (#552). Other forms, like Lannah, are uncommon. Adoption of these relations of Alanna was more pronounced in 2015 (MEDIAN #1364) and has remained as conventional to this day (#1403, 3% LESS USAGE). Alana is a constant favorite, though Alanna has gained in usage over time, while versions like Allene have become less contemporary.
Similar Names
Alanna▲ is pronounced similarly to Alayna▲, Alaynna, Alenah, Aliana▲, Allona, Alyna, Elaina▲, Elanie, Elayna▲, Eleana, Elena▲, Elina▲, Ellena, Elonna, Elyana, Ilania, Ileana, Ilona, Ilonna, Iolana, Olena, Oliana, Olianna, Olina and Yllona. Other recommended sound-alike names are Alamea, Alandra, Alaqua, Albina▼, Alcina, Aldina, Alima, Alinda, Allayne, Alline, Alma▼, Alonsa, Aluma, Alvena, Alvina▼, Alwyne, Ananda, Aninna, Aranza, Arianna, Arlana, Arlenna (see Arlinda), Atlanta, Avana, Avania, Avannia, Ayanna▼, Blanda, Blanka, Canna, Cianna▼, Danna, Dianna▼, Eanna, Gianna▲, Hanna▼, Ianna, Ioanna, Janna▼, Jolanna, Kianna▼, Leanna, Luanna, Nanna, Rianna▼, Teanna, Tyanna▼, Vanna, Wanna and Yanna. These names tend to be less commonly used than Alanna.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]