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♀ Aleda
What does Aleda mean?
Aleda as a girls' name is of Old German and Latin derivation, and the meaning of the name Aleda is "old, prosperous; small winged one". Aleda is an alternate form of Alda (Old German): feminine of Aldo and Otto. Aleda is also a derivative of Alida (Latin).
ASSOCIATED WITH old, prosperous (wealthy), small (little)
VARIANTS Elida, Alydah, Alyda, Allydah, Allidiah, Allidah, Alidia, Alidah, Aleida, Alaida
RELATED FORMS VIA ALDA, ALIDA Adela, Aldana, Aldara, Aldea, Aldene, Aldina, Aldona, Aleta, Aletta, Alette, Alita, Allda, Alldina, Alldona, Alleda, Allida, Allidia, Allyda, Dela, Elita, Leda, Ledah, Lida▼, Lyda▼, Oleda, Oleta▼, Oletta
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Aaleda, ..
(male) Alead, ..
Aleda Lylah (A.L.), ..
How popular is Aleda?
Aleda is an uncommon given name for women. Aleda is an equivalently unique surname too for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Aleda reached its highest position of #1516 in the U.S. during 1900-1909, but is not in the list currently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Prominent alternative forms of Aleda are Adela (#1229 FROM RECENT DATA), Alda, Aldea, Aldona, Aleta, Aletta, Alida, Dela, Elida, Leda, Lida, Lyda and Oleta. Other variants, like Oletta, are seldom used. Usage of these relations of Aleda was common among parents during 1880-1889 (MEDIAN #1293) and has become significantly reduced since (#1944, ▼91%).
Similar Names
Aleda is pronounced similarly to Alidee, Eladia, Elidi, Elidia, Elodea, Elodia, Elody and Olida. Other recommended sound-alike names are Adda▼, Aeeda, Aida, Ala, Alaia▲, Albreda, Alea, Aleana, Aleea, Aleeza, Aleka, Alena▲, Alenah, Alene▼, Alenka, Alesha▼, Alesia▼, Alessa, Aletea, Aletha, Aletia, Alexa, Alexea, Alexi▼, Alexia▼, Alfa, Alfreda▼, Alica, Alieza, Allena, Allia, Allma, Allmeda, Allta, Alma▼, Almeda▼, Almedah (see Almeda), Almeta, Aloha, Alona, Alta▼, Altha▼, Altheda, Aludra, Alufa, Alvena, Alyna, Alysa▼, Alyza, Alzena, Amelda, Amena, Anela, Annda, Arda, Arela, Arleta, Atera, Avena, Beda, Glenda▼, Jaeda▼, Meda▼, Mlada, Reeda, Veda▲ and Vieda. These names tend to be more frequently used than Aleda.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]