Home > Alesia


What does Alesia mean?

Alesia Pronunciation of Alesia as a girls' name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Alesia is "help, aid". Also variant of Alicia.





RELATED FORMS VIA ALICIA Alecia, Aleecia, Aleesa, Aleesha, Aleeza, Aleisha, Alesha, Aleshia, Alica, Alieshea, Alisa, Alisha, Alishia, Alisia, Alissa, Allicia, Allysa, Alycia, Alysa, Alysha, Alysia, Alyssa, Alyssia, Elicia, Elisha, Lecia, Lesha, Lesia



Alesia Marion (A.M.), ..

How popular is Alesia?

Alesia is a very popular first name for women (#1570 out of 4276, Top 37%) and a slightly less popular surname for all people (#104257 out of 150436, Top 69%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Alesia entered the list in 1950-1959 and reached its highest position of #541 in the U.S. during 1960-1969, but is not in the Top 1000 currently. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Alesia name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Alesia outside U.S.

Which version is better?

Prominent variation forms of Alesia rated in the Top 2000 are Alyssa (#150 VIA LATEST LIST), Alicia (#391), Alessia (#580), Alisha (#957), Alisa (#1032), Alissa (#1182), Elisha (#1388), Alysa, Lesha, Lecia, Elicia, Alyssia, Alysia, Alysha, Alecia, Alycia, Allysa, Aleesha, Alisia, Alishia, Alica, Aleshia, Alesha, Aleisha and Lesia. Adoption of these relations of Alesia was common among parents in the year 1990 (ADOPTION OF 1.3%) and has become significantly less since (ADOPTION 0.2%, 81.9% LESS). Alicia has historically been preferred by parents, though Alyssa is currently higher in the list, while versions like Alysia are now less popular.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Alesia, Alecia, Aleesha, Aleisha, Alesha in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Aleshia, Alessia, Alicia, Alisa, Alisha in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Alishia, Alisia, Alissa, Allysa, Alycia in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Alysa, Alysha, Alysia, Alyssa, Alyssia in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Elicia, Elisha, Lecia, Lesha, Lesia in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Alica, Alicia, Alisha, Alyssa outside U.S.

Similar Names

Alesia is alike in pronunciation to Aletia, Aliosha, Alitia, Allecia, Alyosha, Eleasha, Eleisha and Elesha. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Abelia, Adesina, Aeesha, Aiesha, Ailsa, Aisia, Akosia, Alaia, Alais, Alaisa, Alaqua, Albia, Aleana, Alease, Aleceea, Aleda, Aleena, Aleezah, Alegria, Aleigha, Aleka, Alena, Alessa, Alesta, Aletha, Alex, Alexea, Alexia, Alexina, Alexis, Aleyna, Alia, Alika, Alis, Alisah, Alissah, Alista, Alisz, Alix, Aliz, Aliza, Alles, Alless, Allessa, Allexa, Allis, Allix, Allysia, Allysiah, Aloisia, Alonia, Aloysia, Alsina, Althia, Alyse, Alysse, Alyvia, Anessa, Asia, Ayesha, Azelia, Blasia, Cesia, Ilysia, Olesia, Olevia and Quesia. These names tend to be less commonly used than Alesia.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
