Home > Aletea


What does Aletea mean?

Aletea Pronunciation of Aletea as a girls' name is of Greek derivation, and the meaning of the name Aletea is "verity, truth". Aletea is an alternate spelling of Alethea (Greek): a learned coinage.


ASSOCIATED WITH greek, truth


VARIANTS Aletta, Aleta

RELATIONS VIA ALETHEA Alathea, Alathia, Aleethia, Aletha, Alethia, Aletia, Alette, Alithea, Alithia, Elethea



Aletea Angeline (A.A.), ..

How popular is Aletea?

Aletea is an uncommonly occurring given name for females. Aletea is also an unusual surname for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Which version is better?

Prominent alternative forms of Aletea (NOT RANKED) are Aleta, Aletha, Alethea, Alethia and Aletta. Other forms, like Alette, are uncommon. These relations of Aletea were popular as baby names in the 1910s. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Aleta, Aletha, Alethea, Alethia, Aletta in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Aletea and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Aletea is pronounced similarly to Alita, Alletta, Alouetta, Elata, Eletta, Elita, Elitta, Elletta, Oleta and Oletta. Other recommended sound-alike names are Agetha, Alaida, Alamea, Alda, Aldea, Alea, Aleana, Aleceea, Alecia, Alectra, Aleda, Aleea, Aleen, Aleena, Aleesa, Aleetheea (see Alice), Aleeza, Alegra, Aleida, Aleka, Alena, Alene, Alenka, Alesha, Alesia, Alessa, Alesta, Alexa, Alexea, Alexena, Alexia, Aleyna, Alicea, Alida, Alidee, Alidia, Alitheea (see Alice), Alitia, Alitza, Allda, Alleda, Allette, Allida, Allta, Allyda, Almeta, Alta, Altha, Althaea, Althea, Althia, Alurea, Alyda, Aneta, Anetta, Areta, Arete, Aretha, Aretta, Arleta, Arletha, Arletta, Cleta, Oletha and Olethea. These names tend to be more commonly used than Aletea.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
