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♀ Aleyna
What does Aleyna mean?
Aleyna as a name for girls means "precious; awakening". Aleyna is an alternate spelling of Alana (Old German, Hawaiian).
VARIANTS Alonna, Alona, Allinah, Alleynah, Allana, Aleynah, Alawna, Alannah▲, Alanna▲, Alani▲, Alanah, Alaina▲
RELATIONS VIA ALANA Alaine, Alane, Alayne, Alene▼, Aleyne, Alleen, Allena, Allene▼, Alleyne, Allina, Allyn, Allyna
Aleyna Hailey (A.H.), ..
How popular is Aleyna?
Aleyna is an uncommon given name for women. Aleyna is a unique surname too for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Aleyna was first listed in 2013 and reached its apex position of #1631 in the U.S. in 2018. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Alaina (#202 FROM CURRENT RECORDS), Alana (#200), Alanah (#1775), Alane, Alani (#347), Alanna (#552), Alannah (#869), Alene, Allana, Alleen, Allena, Allene, Allyn, Alona and Alonna are the prominent related forms of Aleyna (#1631). Other forms, like Alleynah, are uncommon. These relations of Aleyna were favored 6 years ago (USAGE OF 0.3%) and have remained as common to this day (USAGE 0.3%, ▼2%), but with versions like Allene becoming less stylish. The more fashionable names for newborns in this compilation are Alaina, Alana, Alani, Alanna and Alannah.
Similar Names
Aleyna is pronounced similarly to Aleena▲, Alena▲, Aliana▲, Alianna▲, Aliena, Alina▲, Allonia, Alonia, Alynah, Eilena, Elaina▲, Elana, Elanna, Eleanna, Eleni, Eliana▲, Elona, Ileana, Ilena, Ilonna, Olena, Oliana, Olina, Yelena and Yllona. Other recommended sound-alike names are Adeena, Adelyna, Aileen, Aileene, Ailene, Alaya▲, Aldina, Alea, Alecia▼, Aleea, Aleen, Aleesa, Aleeza, Aleida, Aleine, Alenka, Alesha▼, Alessa, Alesta, Aletha, Aletia, Alexena, Alima, Aline▼, Aliya, Allma, Allynn, Almina, Alseena, Alsyna, Aluma, Alvina▼, Alwyne, Alyda, Alyne, Alynne, Alysa▼, Alzeena, Alzina, Amelyna (see Amelia), Amena, Arena, Arleana, Arleena, Arlenna (see Arlinda), Arleyne, Avena, Gleana, Glenna▼ and Teyna. These names tend to be more commonly used than Aleyna.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]