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♀ Alfonsine
What does Alfonsine mean?
Alfonsine as a girls' name is of Old German origin, and the meaning of Alfonsine is "ready for battle". Feminine of Alfonso.
VARIANTS Alfonsia, Alonza, Alphonsine
Alfonsine Leena (A.L.), ..
How popular is Alfonsine?
Alfonsine is a rare first name for women. Alfonsine is also a rare surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
The only prominent varying form of Alfonsine (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) is Alphonsine. Adoption of this relation of Alfonsine reached its highest in the 1880s. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Alaine, Alanice, Albertine, Albine, Alcine, Aldine, Aldonna, Aleine, Alenne, Aleonore, Alexine, Alfie, Aline▼, Allaine, Allcine (see Alcina), Alldine (see Alida), Alleine, Allexine (see Alexandra), Alline, Allonia, Allynne, Almandina, Almandine, Almarine, Almerine, Almodine, Almondine, Aloise, Aloisia, Alonia, Alonna, Alonsa, Aloysia, Alsina, Alverdine, Alvine, Alynne, Amandine, Ambrosine, Antonie, Antonina, Antonine, Apolline, Appoline, Armantine, Blandine, Blondene, Florine▼, Glenine, Hansine, Jensine, Leonine, Leonline (see Leonie), Leontine and Rosine. These names tend to be more commonly used than Alfonsine.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]