Home > Alisa


What does Alisa mean?

Alisa Pronunciation of Alisa as a girls' name is pronounced ah-LEE-sah. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Alisa is "great happiness". Also a variant of Alicia. Also form of Alice.


ASSOCIATED WITH great, happiness (joy)


VARIANTS Alisah, Alise, Alissa, Alissah, Aliza, Allisa, Allisah, Allissa, Allissah, Allysa, Allysah, Alyssa, Alyssah

RELATED FORMS VIA ALICIA Alecia, Aleesa, Aleesha, Aleeza, Aleisha, Alesha, Aleshia, Alesia, Alica, Alieshea, Alisha, Alishia, Alisia, Allicia, Alycia, Alysa, Alysha, Alysia, Alyssia, Elicia, Elisha, Leisha

(female) Adisa, ..

(male) Alace, ..

Alisa Aveline (A.A.), ..

How popular is Alisa?

Alisa is a very popular first name for women (#603 out of 4276, Top 14%) and a slightly less popular last name for all people (#125639 out of 150436, Top 84%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Alisa was first listed in 1950-1959 and reached its apex rank of #312 in the U.S. in the 1960s, and is at #1032 currently. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Alisa name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Alisa outside U.S.

Which version is better?

Popular related forms of Alisa (#1032 A YEAR AGO) are Alecia, Aleesha, Aleisha, Alesha, Aleshia, Alesia, Alica, Alice (#71), Alicia (#391), Alise, Alisha (#957), Alishia, Alisia, Alissa (#1182), Aliza (#709), Allissa, Allysa, Alycia, Alysa, Alysha, Alysia, Alyssa (#150), Alyssia, Elicia, Elisha (#1388) and Leisha. Adoption of these relations of Alisa was at its most widespread 28 years ago (AVERAGE #1023) and is now much less (#1625, DOWN 68%), with forms like Alesha becoming less stylish. Alice is more ubiquitous than the rest, although Aliza appears to be gaining favor too.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Alisa, Alecia, Aleesha, Aleisha, Alesha in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Aleshia, Alesia, Alice, Alicia, Alise in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Alisha, Alishia, Alisia, Alissa, Aliza in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Allissa, Allysa, Alycia, Alysa, Alysha in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Alysia, Alyssa, Alyssia, Elicia, Elisha, Leisha in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Alica, Alice, Alicia, Alisha, Alyssa outside U.S.

Similar Names

Alisa is pronounced similarly to Alessa, Alessi, Alessia, Alicea, Allessa, Allicea, Aloisa, Alyza, Eleisa, Elisa, Elisee, Elissa, Eliza, Elizah, Ellissa, Eloisa, Elouisa, Elysa, Elyza, Ilisa, Ilissa, Ilysa, Ilysah, Oleisa and Olisa. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Ailis, Ailish, Ailsa, Alais, Aleka, Alexa, Alia, Alicah, Alida, Alika, Alikah, Aliki, Alima, Alina, Aliosha, Alis, Alisan, Alisse, Alista, Alisz, Alita, Alix, Aliya, Aliz, Alize, Allis, Alliss, Aloise, Aloisia, Alys, Alyse, Alyss, Amisa, Anisa and Ayisa. These names tend to be less commonly used than Alisa.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
