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♀ Alisha
What does Alisha mean?
Alisha ▼ as a name for girls has its root in Old German, and the meaning of the name Alisha is "noble, exalted". Alisha is a variant form of Alice (Old German). Alisha is also a derivative of Alicia (Old German).
VARIANTS Elisha, Alysha▼, Alishia, Alieshea, Aleshia, Alesha▼, Aleisha, Aleesha
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA ALICE, ALICIA Adelisa, Ala, Alais, Alaisa, Alecia▼, Aleesa, Aleeza, Alesia▼, Ali▼, Alica, Alicah, Alicea, Alicen, Alidee, Alie, Alika, Alikah, Aliki, Alis, Alisa▼, Alisah, Alisan, Alisann, Alise, Alisia, Alison▼, Alissa▼, Alisson, Alisz, Alitheea, Alitia, Aliz, Alla, Allicea, Allicia, Allis, Allison, Alliss, Allissa, Allisun, Allsun, Allysa, Allysia, Allyssa▼, Allyssha, Alycia▼, Alys, Alysa▼, Alyse▼, Alysia▼, Alyson, Alyss, Alyssa▼, Alyssia▼, Elicia, Elissa, Ellissa, Ellsa, Elsa▼, Ilysa, Ilyssa, Leisha, Lesha, Licha, Lissa
Alisha Cori (A.C.), ..
How popular is Alisha?
Alisha is a very popular first name for women (#502 out of 4276, Top 12%) but a unique surname for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Alisha was first listed in 1960-1969 and reached its top position of #134 in the U.S. in the year 1990, and is currently at #957. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Prominent varying forms of Alisha (#957 IN RECENT RANKINGS) are Allison (#69), Alice (#71), Alyssa (#150), Alicia (#391), Alison (#400), Alyson (#887), Elsa (#888), Alisson (#909), Alisa (#1032), Alissa (#1182), Elissa (#1261), Elisha (#1388), Ali (#1841), Elicia, Alys, Alyssia, Leisha, Lesha, Alysia, Alysha, Alyse, Alysa, Ala, Alycia, Allyssa, Allysa, Allissa, Alecia, Alla, Alisia, Alishia, Alise, Alica, Alesia, Aleshia, Alesha, Aleisha, Aleesha and Lissa. These relations of Alisha were favored as baby names in the year 1990 (MEDIAN #1057) and have become significantly less common since (#1585, ▼62%).
Similar Names
Alisha▼ is pronounced similarly to Aletia, Aliosha, Alyosha, Eleasha, Eleisha, Elesha and Ellisha. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Abisha, Abishah, Aeisha, Ailis, Ailish, Aisha▲, Aishah, Aishia, Aisia, Aleka, Alessia▲, Alesta, Aletha, Alexea, Alia▲, Alida▼, Aliena, Alieza, Aliezah, Alima, Alina▲, Alinda, Alista, Alita, Alithea, Alithia, Alivia▲, Aliya, Aliza▲, Alizah, Alize▼, Allessa, Allisah, Allissah, Aloha, Alpha▼, Alyza, Amisa, Anisa▼, Anisha, Arista, Arlissa, Asha▲, Ayeisha, Ayisa, Ayishah, Aysha, Brisha, Elisa▲, Elisia, Erisha, Falisha, Ihisha, Ilisa, Irisha, Julisha, Kalisha, Kisha▼, Lisha, Maisha, Melisha, Misha, Myisha, Olisa, Taisha, Teisha, Tisha▼ and Tyisha. These names tend to be less commonly used than Alisha.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]