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♀ Alithia
What does Alithia mean?
Alithia as a girls' name is a Greek name, and the meaning of the name Alithia is "verity, truth". Alithia is a variant form of Alethea (Greek): a learned coinage.
VARIANTS Elithia, Elethea, Alithea, Alethia, Aletha, Aleethia, Alathia, Alathea
RELATIONS VIA ALETHEA Aleta, Aletea, Aletia, Aletta
Alithia Emerson (A.E.), ..
How popular is Alithia?
Alithia is an uncommon first name for females. Alithia is also a rare surname for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Aleta, Aletha, Alethea, Alethia and Aletta are the prominent variation forms of Alithia (NOT RANKED). Other forms, like Alathia, are uncommon. These relations of Alithia were favored by parents 108 years ago (MEDIAN #1478). (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Alithia is alike in pronunciation to Alitheea, Oletha and Olethea. Other recommended sound-alike names are Ailith, Aishia, Aleshia, Alicia▼, Alida▼, Alidia, Alisha▼, Alishia, Alisia, Alita, Alitia, Alitza, Alivia▲, Allidia, Allta, Alta▼, Altha▼, Althaea, Althaia, Althea, Althia, Anitia, Anthia, Bithia and Leithia. These names tend to be more commonly used than Alithia.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]