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♀ Alivia
What does Alivia mean?
Alivia ▲ as a girls' name is of Latin origin, and Alivia means "olive tree". Alivia is an alternate spelling of Olivia (Latin).
ASSOCIATED WITH olive (tree)
VARIANTS Olivya, Oliveea, Olivea, Oliva, Alyvia
OTHER FORMS VIA OLIVIA Liva, Livia▲, Livie, Olevia, Olia, Olive▼, Oliveria, Olivet, Olivija, Olivine, Olva
Alivia Joyce (A.J.), ..
How popular is Alivia?
Alivia is a rare given name for women. Alivia is also a unique last name for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Alivia was first listed in 1990 and reached its top position of #175 in the U.S. in the year 2010, and is presently at #227. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Olivia (#2 VIA LATEST LIST), Olive (#270), Livia (#676), Alyvia (#1199), Olevia, Oliva and Olivine are the popular variation forms of Alivia (#227). Other variants, like Olivija, are seldom used. These forms of Alivia reached the height of their popularity less than a decade ago (MEDIAN #1010) and are almost as popular today (#1046, DOWN 4%). Olivia is more universally found than the rest, though Livia has become popular as well, while Olive is no longer trendy.
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Adiva, Aisia, Akiva, Alaia▲, Alba, Albia, Albinia, Alcinia (see Alcina), Alecia▼, Alesia▼, Aletia, Alexia▼, Alfa, Alfi, Alfie, Alia▲, Alica, Alicea, Alicia▼, Alida▼, Alidia, Aliena, Alieza, Alika, Aliki, Alima, Alina▲, Alinda, Alisa▼, Alisha▼, Alishia, Alisia, Alissa▼, Alista, Alita, Alithia, Alitia, Alitza, Aliya, Aliza▲, Allfie, Allia, Allicia, Allidia, Aloisia, Alonia, Alpha▼, Alsinia, Althia, Alufa, Alva▼, Alvah, Alvie, Alvina▼, Alvinia, Alvira, Alvit, Alvita, Alvy, Alycia▼, Alysia▼, Amilia▲, Anitia, Avia, Aviva, Avivi, Avivit, Elicia, Elidia, Eligia, Elisia, Elvia, Flavia, Olinia and Vivia. These names tend to be more frequently used than Alivia.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]