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What does Alix mean?
Alix as a girls' name (also used as boys' name Alix) is of Old German origin, and the meaning of Alix is "noble". Variant of Alex, and used as a feminine name, possibly influenced by Alice. Alexandra, last Empress of Russia, was known to her family as Alix.
VARIANTS Alex, Alexa, Alexis▼, Aliki, Alissandre, Alissandrine, Lissandre
RELATED FORMS VIA ALEXANDRA, ALICE Ailie, Aillie, Ala, Alais, Alaisa, Alecia▼, Aleka, Aleki, Alexea, Alexi▼, Alexia▼, Alexie, Ali▼, Alica, Alicah, Alicea, Alicen, Alicia▼, Alidee, Alie, Alika, Alikah, Alis, Alisa▼, Alisah, Alisan, Alise, Alisha▼, Alison▼, Alissa▼, Alista, Alisz, Alitia, Aliz, Alla, Alle, Alles, Allexa, Alli▼, Allice, Allie, Allis, Alliss, Allix, Ally▼, Allys, Alyce▼, Alys, Alysa▼, Alyse▼, Alysia▼, Alyss, Anda, Elke, Elli, Ellie▲, Elsa▼
Alix Carolina (A.C.), ..
How popular is Alix?
Alix is a somewhat prominent first name for women (#2809 out of 4276, Top 66%) and an even more prominent last name for all people (#20854 out of 150436, Top 14%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Alix entered the list in 1980-1989 and reached its highest position of #1104 in the U.S. in 1993, but is not found in the list at the moment. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Which version is better?
Popular related forms of Alix appearing in the Top 2000 are Ellie (#37 FROM CURRENT RECORDS), Alice (#71), Alexa (#90), Alexandra (#125), Alexis (#179), Allie (#350), Alicia (#391), Alison (#400), Alexia (#517), Elsa (#888), Alisha (#957), Alisa (#1032), Alissa (#1182), Ally (#1274), Alex (#1332), Ali (#1841), Alica, Elli, Alysia, Alyse, Alysa, Alys, Alyce, Allice, Alexi, Alli, Alla, Alecia, Alise, Alexie and Ala. Adoption of these relations of Alix was widespread in the year 1998 (USAGE OF 2.59%) and has become significantly reduced since (USAGE 1.21%, ▼53.2%). Alice has been the top favorite, although Ellie seems to be gaining popularity too, while versions like Alli have become less contemporary.
Similar Names
Alix is alike in pronunciation to Alyx. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Abi, Abia, Abir, Adi, Adia, Adie, Adin, Afia, Agi, Agie, Aili, Ailis, Aki, Al, Alah, Alaia▲, Alair, Alba, Albia, Alby, Alda▼, Aldis, Alea, Aley, Alfa, Alfi, Alfie, Alfy (see Alfreda), Alia▲, Aliah▲, Alida▼, Alima, Alina▲, Aline▼, Alita, Aliya, Aliye, Aliza▲, Alize▼, Allia, Alma▼, Aloe, Alta▼, Alva▼, Alvie, Alvit, Alvy, Alya, Ami▼, Amia▲, Amie▼, Amil, Amit, Ania, Anis, Ari▲, Aria▲, Arie, Arin, Arlie, Asia▼, Avia, Avie, Avis▼, Aylin▲, Azia, Dix, Nix and Trix. These names tend to be less frequently used than Alix.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]