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♀ Allda
What does Allda mean?
Allda as a name for girls is of Latin derivation, and the name Allda means "small winged one". Allda is a variant form of Alida (Latin): also version of Alda.
ASSOCIATED WITH small (little)
RELATIONS VIA ALIDA Adela, Alaida, Alda▼, Aldina, Aldona, Aleda, Aleida, Aleta, Aletta, Alidah, Alidia, Alita, Alldina, Alldine, Alldona, Alldonna, Alldyne, Alleda, Allida, Allidah, Allidia, Allidiah, Allyda, Allydah, Alyda, Alydah, Dela, Della▼, Dila, Dilla, Elida, Elita, Leda, Lida▼, Lyda▼, Oleda, Oleta▼
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Allet, ..
(male) Alladi, ..
Allda Janiya (A.J.), ..
How popular is Allda?
Allda is an uncommon given name for women. Allda is a rare surname too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Prominent alternative forms of Allda (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) rated in the Top 2000 are Adela (#1229 THE PREVIOUS YEAR), Alda, Aldona, Aleda, Aleta, Aletta, Alida, Dela, Della (#861), Elida, Leda, Lida, Lyda and Oleta. Other forms, like Oleda, are uncommon. Usage of these forms of Allda was more pronounced among parents a century ago (AVERAGE #1155) and has become significantly less since, with versions such as Alida becoming less in vogue. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Similar Names
Allda is alike in pronunciation to Aldea, Awilda, Elda▼, Walda, Wallda, Welda, Wellda, Wilda▼, Willda and Wylda. Other recommended sound-alike names are Aalya, Ada▼, Aeeda, Ahuda, Aida, Aila▲, Ailsa, Ala, Alaia▲, Alana▲, Alaya▲, Alba, Aleka, Alexa, Alfa, Alia▲, Alima, Alina▲, Aliya, Alla, Allana, Allena, Allfy, Allia, Alliah, Allina, Allis, Allisa, Allix, Allma, Allmeda, Allta, Allysa, Alma▼, Almeda▼, Alona, Alta▼, Altha▼, Alufa, Aluma, Alura, Alva▼, Alyna, Alysa▼, Amelda, Anda, Annda, Arda, Arla, Arlea, Ayla▲, Holda, Hylda, Kellda (see Kelda), Mlada, Nelda▼, Nilda, Olida, Selda, Tilda▼, Valda, Vallda, Velda▼, Vellda and Zellda. These names tend to be more commonly used than Allda.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]