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♀ Alle
What does Alle mean?
Alle as a girls' name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Alle is "man's defender". Alle is a variant form of Alexandra (Greek): Latinate feminine variation of Alexander.
RELATIONS VIA ALEXANDRA Aleka, Aleki, Alex, Alexa, Alexea, Alexi▼, Alexie, Ali▼, Alie, Aliki, Alix, Alla, Allessa, Allexa, Alli▼, Allie, Allix, Ally▼, Anda, Ellena
Alle Fatima (A.F.), ..
How popular is Alle?
Alle is an unusual first name for women but a somewhat prominent surname for both adults and children (#81414 out of 150436, Top 54%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Prominent alternative forms of Alle (NOT IN TOP 2000) ranked in the Top 2000 are Alexa (#90 VIA LATEST LIST), Alexandra (#125), Allie (#350), Ally (#1274), Alex (#1332), Ali (#1841), Alexi, Alexie, Alix, Alla, Alli and Ellena. Other variants, like Aleki, are seldom used. Adoption of these relations of Alle was common in the year 1995 (ADOPTION OF 0.86%) and has become much less since (ADOPTION 0.4%, 53.2% LESS), with versions such as Alli becoming somewhat dated. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Alle is alike in pronunciation to Al, El, Elle▲ and Iole. Other recommended sound-alike names are Abelle, Adde, Ade, Adele▼, Adie, Adley▲, Agie, Agye, Aila▲, Ailee, Ailey, Aili, Ailie, Ailli, Aillie, Ailse, Ala, Alah, Alala, Alba, Alda▼, Alea, Aleea, Aleen, Aley, Alfie, Alfre, Alia▲, Alice▼, Aliye, Allda, Alleen, Allene▼, Alles, Alless, Alley, Allfie, Allia, Allyce, Allyn, Alma▼, Aloe, Alta▼, Alva▼, Alya, Alyce▼, Alys, Alyse▼, Alyx, Ame, Amie▼, Amye, Ande, Apple, Arelle, Arlen, Arley, Arlie, Arly▼, Ase, Aure, Ave, Ayla▲, Belle▼, Cile, Cole, Dale▼, Delle, Gale▼, Helle and Holle. These names tend to be more frequently used than Alle.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]