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♀ Alleece
What does Alleece mean?
Alleece as a name for girls is an Old German name, and the meaning of Alleece is "noble, exalted". Alleece is an alternate form of Alice (Old German).
VARIANTS Ilysse, Alyss, Alyse▼, Alys, Alyce▼, Allyse, Allys, Allyce, Alliss, Allis, Allice, Alless, Aliz, Alise, Alis, Aleece
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA ALICE Alidee, Allecia, Alleeceea, Alles, Allicea, Allie, Leece
Alleece Ellis (A.E.), ..
How popular is Alleece?
Alleece is an uncommonly occurring first name for women. Alleece is an equivalently uncommon surname too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Prominent related forms of Alleece (NOT RANKED) are Alice (#71 VIA LATEST LIST), Allie (#350), Alise, Allice, Alyce, Alys and Alyse. Other forms, like Allyse, are uncommon. Usage of these forms of Alleece reached its apex 138 years ago (MEDIAN #1151) and is now significantly reduced (#1488, DOWN 81%). (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Alleece is alike in pronunciation to Alease, Eleese, Ellesse, Ellice and Ellyce. Other recommended sound-alike names are Ailee, Aileen, Aileene, Alanice, Alarice, Alberge (see Alberga), Alcee, Aldene, Aleea, Aleecia, Aleen, Aleena▲, Aleesa, Aleeza, Aleine, Alenne, Alexene, Alexie, Aleyne, Allaine, Allaire, Allaryce, Allayne, Allcen, Allcenne (see Alison), Allcine (see Alcina), Alldine (see Alida), Alldyne, Alle, Alleda, Alleen, Allegra, Alleine, Allene▼, Allerie, Allessa, Alletta, Allette, Allexa, Allexine (see Alexandra), Alley, Alleyne, Allfie, Allfrie, Allicen, Alline, Allmeda, Allmeera (see Almera), Allmeta (see Almeda), Allure, Allyne, Allynne, Almeera, Alseena, Alumice, Alveena, Alveene, Alzeena, Aneese, Arlee, Arleen▼, Arleena, Arleene, Arlene▼, Arlette▲, Arleyne, Arliene, Arluene, Faleece and Silence. These names tend to be more frequently used than Alleece.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]