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♀ Allegra
What does Allegra mean?
Allegra as a girls' name is pronounced ah-LAY-grah. It is of Italian origin, and the meaning of Allegra is "gay and jaunty". The musical term "allegro" means "quickly, with a happy air". May have been originally coined as the name of Byron's illegitimate daughter in the 19th century. Ballerina Allegra Kent.
ASSOCIATED WITH musical (opera), happy (joy), 19th century
VARIANTS Alegra, Alegria, Allegretta, Allie, Legra, Leggra
Allegra Zara (A.Z.), ..
How popular is Allegra?
Allegra is a somewhat prominent first name for women (#2596 out of 4276, Top 61%) and an even more prominent surname for all people (#38395 out of 150436, Top 26%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Allegra entered the list in 1910-1919 and reached its top rank of #1186 in the U.S. in the year 1995, but is not listed currently. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Which version is better?
Allie (#350 A YEAR AGO) is the only other prominent alternative form of Allegra ranked in the Top 2000. These relations of Allegra were favored by parents 138 years ago (USAGE OF 0.12%) and are now significantly less widespread (USAGE 0.05%, ▼56.3%).
Similar Names
Allegra is pronounced similarly to Alagria, Alegrya and Allegria. Other recommended sound-alike names are Alandra, Albert, Aldara, Aleecia, Aleena▲, Aleesha, Aleeza, Aleka, Alena▲, Alesia▼, Alessa, Alesta, Aletha, Aletta, Aleyna, Aliena, Alla, Allda, Alldina (see Alida), Allecia, Alleda, Alleece, Alleen, Alleluia, Allena, Alles, Allessa, Alletta, Allexa, Alley, Alleynah, Alleyne, Allfry (see Alfreda), Allicea, Allissa, Allmeda, Allmeera (see Almera), Allmera, Allmeria (see Almera), Allmita (see Almeda), Alloura, Allta, Allura, Allure, Allyna, Allysa, Almeda▼, Almeera, Almeeria (see Almera), Almena, Almera, Almeria, Almeta, Almyra, Alondra▼, Aludra, Alvara, Alveena, Alvera, Alvira, Alzeina, Amera, Arlea, Arleana, Arleta, Arletha, Ellenora, Elleora, Ellura, Ellvira, Elmeera and Elvera▼. These names tend to be less commonly used than Allegra.