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♀ Alley (girl)
What does Alley mean?
Alley as a girls' name (also used as boys' name Alley) is an alternate form of Allie: contraction of Alfreda.
VARIANTS Ally▼, Alli▼, Ali▼, Aley
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Alay, ..
(male) Alel, ..
Alley Itzayana (A.I.), ..
How popular is Alley?
Alley is an uncommon first name for females but a very popular surname for all people (#2321 out of 150436, Top 2%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Prominent variation forms of Alley (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) are Ali (#1841 A YEAR AGO), Alli, Allie (#350) and Ally (#1274). These forms of Alley were favored in the year 2011 (AVERAGE #689) and are now significantly less common (#1366, DOWN 52%), with forms such as Alli becoming less in vogue. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Alley is pronounced similarly to Aaliya, Aila▲, Ailee, Ailey, Aili, Ailie, Ailli, Alea, Aleah▲, Aleea, Alia▲, Aliya, Alla, Allia, Alliah, Allie, Aloe, Alya, Ayla▲, Eily, Illa, Illia, Olla, Ollie▼ and Yolley. Other recommended sound-alike names are Adalley, Addey, Adey, Adley▲, Aimey, Alby, Alcee, Aleen, Alex, Alfy (see Alfreda), Alle, Alleda, Alleen, Allene▼, Alles, Alless, Alleyne, Allfry (see Alfreda), Allfy, Allis, Allma, Alvy, Amey, Ansley▲, Arlea, Arlee, Arlen, Arlet, Arley, Arly▼, Ashley▼, Cloey, Coley, Ellsey, Haley▼, Holley, Joley, Juley, Kaley▼, Kelley▼, Kiley▼, Kyley, Lilley, Molley, Nelley, Polley, Raley, Riley▲, Ryley and Salley. These names tend to be more commonly used than Alley.