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♀ Allisah
What does Allisah mean?
Allisah as a name for girls is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Allisah is "great happiness". Allisah is an alternate spelling of Alisa (Hebrew): also a variation of Alicia.
VARIANTS Alyssah, Alyssa▼, Allysah, Allissah, Aliza▲, Alissah, Alissa▼, Alisah
RELATED FORMS VIA ALISA Alise, Allisa, Allissa, Allysa
Allisah Oaklynn (A.O.), ..
How popular is Allisah?
Allisah is an unusual first name for women. Allisah is an unusual surname too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Alisa (#1032 LAST YEAR), Alise, Alissa (#1182), Aliza (#709), Allissa, Allysa and Alyssa (#150) are the prominent alternative forms of Allisah (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) ranked in the Top 2000. These relations of Allisah were favored by parents 2 decades ago (AVERAGE #1015) and have become much less common since (#1296, DOWN 82%), with forms like Alisa becoming less fashionable. Alyssa is a perennial favorite, although Aliza appears to be gaining popularity too. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Allisah is pronounced similarly to Alaisa, Aleesa, Aleezah, Alessa, Aliezah, Alizah, Allessa, Allicea, Allysiah, Allyssa▼, Aloisa, Alysa▼, Eleisa, Elisa▲, Elisah, Elizah, Ellissa, Elliza, Eloisa, Ilisa, Illissa, Ilysah, Oleisa and Olisa. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Aaliyah▲, Ailis, Ailish, Ailsa, Alais, Aleisha, Aliah▲, Alica, Alicah, Alidah, Alika, Alikah, Alis, Alisan, Alisha▼, Alisia, Alisse, Alisz, Aliyah▲, Alles, Alless, Allexa, Allia, Alliah, Allice, Allicia, Allida, Allidah, Allina, Allinah, Allis, Allisann (see Alison), Alliss, Allisun (see Alice), Allix, Allmidah (see Almeda), Allmitah (see Almeda), Allydah (see Alida), Allynah, Allys, Allyse, Allyssha, Almidah (see Almeda), Almirah, Almitah (see Almeda), Aloise, Aloisia, Anisah, Annisah, Ayeisah (see Aisha) and Ayisah. These names tend to be more frequently used than Allisah.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]