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♀ Allsun
What does Allsun mean?
Allsun as a girls' name is of Old German derivation, and the meaning of the name Allsun is "noble, exalted". Allsun is a variant form of Alice (Old German). Allsun is also a variation of Alison (Old German).
VARIANTS Allcenne, Allcen
RELATED FORMS VIA ALICE, ALISON Alicen, Alis, Alisa▼, Alisah, Alisan, Alisann, Alise, Alisha▼, Alisoun, Alissa▼, Alisson, Alisun, Alisz, Alla, Alles, Alless, Alli▼, Allice, Allicen, Allie, Allis, Allisann, Allison, Allisoun, Alliss, Allissa, Allisson▼, Allisun, Allisunne, Ally▼, Allyce, Allys, Allysann, Allyse, Allysia, Allyson, Allysoun, Allyssa▼, Allysson, Alys, Alysa▼, Alysan, Alysann, Alyse▼, Alysia▼, Alyson, Alysoun, Alyss, Alyssa▼, Ellsa
Allsun Carly (A.C.), ..
How popular is Allsun?
Allsun is an unusual first name for females. Allsun is an equivalently uncommon surname too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Alice (#71 VIA LATEST LIST), Alisa (#1032), Alise, Alisha (#957), Alison (#400), Alissa (#1182), Alisson (#909), Alla, Alli, Allice, Allie (#350), Allison (#69), Allissa, Allisson, Ally (#1274), Allyson (#560), Allyssa, Alys, Alysa, Alyse, Alysia, Alyson (#887) and Alyssa (#150) are the prominent varying forms of Allsun (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) ranked in the Top 2000. Usage of these relations of Allsun was at its peak in the year 1998 (USAGE OF 1.78%) and is now significantly reduced (USAGE 0.77%, 57% LESS). (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Allsun is alike in pronunciation to Allcine. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Adison▼, Adyson▼, Aileen, Aillin, Ailsa, Ailse, Ailyn, Akosua, Alaqua, Aleen, Alesha▼, Alesia▼, Alessa, Alessi, Alesta, Alexus▼, Alisia, Alisse, Alista, Allaine, Allana, Allayne, Allda, Alldina (see Alida), Alldine (see Alida), Alldona (see Alida), Alldyne, Alle, Alleda, Alleen, Alleine, Allena, Allene▼, Allessa, Allexa, Alley, Alleyne, Allfie, Allfry (see Alfreda), Allfy, Allia, Alliah, Allida, Allina, Alline, Allisa, Allisah, Allix, Allma, Allona, Alloura, Allta, Allura, Allure, Allyda, Allyn, Allyna, Allyne, Allynn, Allynne, Allysah, Alsina, Alsyna, Alysha▼, Alysse, Arlan, Arlean, Arleen▼, Arlen, Arlyn, Arlynn, Avlynn, Ayleen▲ and Aylin▲. These names tend to be more commonly used than Allsun.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]