Home > Ally


What does Ally mean?

Ally Pronunciation of Ally as a girls' name is of Old English, Greek and Old German derivation, and the name Ally means "noble, bright; man's defender; noble, exalted". Ally is a version of Alberta (Old English): feminine of Albert. Ally is also a variant of Alexandra (Greek). Ally is also used as a form of Alice (Old German), a variant of Alison (Old German), and a variation of Allie.


ASSOCIATED WITH old english, greek, noble, bright (light), defender, exalted


VARIANTS Ellie, Elli, Alli, Alley, Alla, Alie, Ali, Aley, Alais, Ala, Aillie, Ailie, Aili

OTHER FORMS VIA ALBERTA, ALEXANDRA, ALICE, ALISON, ALLIE Al, Aleka, Aleki, Alex, Alexa, Alexi, Alica, Alika, Aliki, Alis, Alisa, Alise, Alisz, Alix, Aliz, Allcen, Alle, Alles, Alless, Allexa, Allice, Allis, Alliss, Allix, Allsun, Allyce, Allys, Allyse, Allysia, Allyson, Allyssa, Alyce, Alys, Alysa, Alyse, Alyss, Anda, Elke, Ellsa, Elsa, Lesy, Lexy



Ally Salma (A.S.), ..

How popular is Ally?

Ally is an unusual given name for women but a very prominent surname for both adults and children (#19285 out of 150436, Top 13%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Ally was first listed in 1993 and reached its peak position of #417 in the U.S. in the year 1998, and is presently at #1274. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Ally name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Ally outside U.S.

Which version is better?

Aili, Ala, Alberta, Alex (#1332 FROM RECENT DATA), Alexa (#90), Alexandra (#125), Alexi, Ali (#1841), Alica, Alice (#71), Alisa (#1032), Alise, Alison (#400), Alix, Alla, Alli, Allice, Allie (#350), Allyson (#560), Allyssa, Alyce, Alys, Alysa, Alyse, Elli, Ellie (#37), Elsa (#888) and Lexy are the prominent related forms of Ally (#1274). Usage of these relations of Ally reached its most widespread 138 years ago (MEDIAN #1582) and is somewhat lower today (#1448, 34%). Alice has been the most well-known version, though Ellie is now more frequently used, while versions like Alberta are now somewhat dated.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Ally, Aili, Ala, Alberta, Alex in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Alexa, Alexandra, Alexi, Ali, Alice in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Alisa, Alise, Alison, Alix, Alla in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Alli, Allice, Allie, Allyson, Allyssa in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Alyce, Alys, Alysa, Alyse, Elli in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Ellie, Elsa, Lexy in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Alex, Alexa, Alexandra, Alica, Alice outside U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Alison, Ellie, Elsa outside U.S.

Similar Names

Ally is pronounced similarly to Ailee, Ailli, Alaia, Alaya, Alayah, Aleea, Alia, Aliyah, Aliye, Alliah, Alya, Ayala, Eiley, Eily, Elia, Ila, Illia, Iola, Olia, Olla, Ollie, Ula, Yolley, Yula and Yulla. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Abby, Addy, Ady, Aggy, Agy, Ailyn, Alby, Alda, Alfa, Alfi, Alfy (see Alfreda), Allfy, Allma, Allyda, Allyn, Allyna, Allynn, Allysa, Alta, Alva, Alvy, Alyx, Amaly, Amey, Arely, Arla, Arley, Arly, Arlyn, Billy, Cally, Daly, Delly, Dolly, Gilly, Hally, Hilly, Jilly, Joly, Jully, July, Kally, Kaly, Kelly, Lilly, Lily, Molly, Nelly, Sally and Vally. These names tend to be more frequently used than Ally.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
