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♀ Ally
What does Ally mean?
Ally ▼ as a girls' name is of Old English, Greek and Old German derivation, and the name Ally means "noble, bright; man's defender; noble, exalted". Ally is a version of Alberta (Old English): feminine of Albert. Ally is also a variant of Alexandra (Greek). Ally is also used as a form of Alice (Old German), a variant of Alison (Old German), and a variation of Allie.
ASSOCIATED WITH old english, greek, noble, bright (light), defender, exalted
VARIANTS Ellie▲, Elli, Alli▼, Alley, Alla, Alie, Ali▼, Aley, Alais, Ala, Aillie, Ailie, Aili
OTHER FORMS VIA ALBERTA, ALEXANDRA, ALICE, ALISON, ALLIE Al, Aleka, Aleki, Alex, Alexa, Alexi▼, Alica, Alika, Aliki, Alis, Alisa▼, Alise, Alisz, Alix, Aliz, Allcen, Alle, Alles, Alless, Allexa, Allice, Allis, Alliss, Allix, Allsun, Allyce, Allys, Allyse, Allysia, Allyson, Allyssa▼, Alyce▼, Alys, Alysa▼, Alyse▼, Alyss, Anda, Elke, Ellsa, Elsa▼, Lesy, Lexy
Ally Salma (A.S.), ..
How popular is Ally?
Ally is an unusual given name for women but a very prominent surname for both adults and children (#19285 out of 150436, Top 13%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Ally was first listed in 1993 and reached its peak position of #417 in the U.S. in the year 1998, and is presently at #1274. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Aili, Ala, Alberta, Alex (#1332 FROM RECENT DATA), Alexa (#90), Alexandra (#125), Alexi, Ali (#1841), Alica, Alice (#71), Alisa (#1032), Alise, Alison (#400), Alix, Alla, Alli, Allice, Allie (#350), Allyson (#560), Allyssa, Alyce, Alys, Alysa, Alyse, Elli, Ellie (#37), Elsa (#888) and Lexy are the prominent related forms of Ally (#1274). Usage of these relations of Ally reached its most widespread 138 years ago (MEDIAN #1582) and is somewhat lower today (#1448, ▼34%). Alice has been the most well-known version, though Ellie is now more frequently used, while versions like Alberta are now somewhat dated.
Similar Names
Ally▼ is pronounced similarly to Ailee, Ailli, Alaia▲, Alaya▲, Alayah▲, Aleea, Alia▲, Aliyah▲, Aliye, Alliah, Alya, Ayala, Eiley, Eily, Elia▲, Ila▼, Illia, Iola▼, Olia, Olla, Ollie▼, Ula, Yolley, Yula and Yulla. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Abby, Addy, Ady, Aggy, Agy, Ailyn, Alby, Alda▼, Alfa, Alfi, Alfy (see Alfreda), Allfy, Allma, Allyda, Allyn, Allyna, Allynn, Allysa, Alta▼, Alva▼, Alvy, Alyx, Amaly, Amey, Arely, Arla, Arley, Arly▼, Arlyn, Billy▼, Cally, Daly, Delly, Dolly▼, Gilly, Hally, Hilly, Jilly, Joly, Jully, July, Kally, Kaly, Kelly▼, Lilly, Lily▲, Molly, Nelly, Sally▼ and Vally. These names tend to be more frequently used than Ally.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]